Hi All Linuxers
Whenever want to install new package on linux most of the time it gives me error some dependecies are not installed and some list of files which are required to be install. But where I could and how to install those dependencies? Pls. give me suggetions for this.
Thanks for all in advance
Dinesh J Dalvi wrote:
Whenever want to install new package on linux most of the time it gives me error some dependecies are not installed and some list of files which are required to be install.
If you use an rpm based distro, install a utility called 'yum'. If you use a debian based distro install a utility called 'apt'. These are automatic installers that will also download the dependencies and install them.
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Sometime Today, DJD cobbled together some glyphs to say:
Whenever want to install new package on linux most of the time it gives me error some dependecies are not installed and some list of
What command are you using to install a new package? What operating system and distro are you using?
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