H! Folks,
We would like to conduct ILUG-BOM meeting in IITB/KReSIT. Are there in IITian lurkers on the list who can book the venue for Sep meet?
Alternately, we would like people from central suburbs (Dadar to Thane) to come forward and offer venue for the next ILUG-BOM meet.
The date for next meeting will be either 21st or 28th Sep. 2008.
We have following topics and speakers confirmed for Sep. 2008 Meet.
1. Programing with QT by Prashant Shah (Thanks Prashant for coming forward to share knowledge) 2. Advance JavaScript Programing by Rakesh Pai (Thanks for your last and very good session and looking forward to the next one!) 3. Action Plan for Opposing Software Patent (Nagarjuna will brief the community about the topic and status, if he is around in Mumbai)
With regards,
On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Dinesh Shah (દિનેશ શાહ/दिनेश शाह) dineshah@gmail.com wrote:
Btw, there was this dude from Rhythm and Hues ( Aditya was it? sorry i forgot your name ) at the Sunday meeting who did offer us a place for upcoming meeting or future ones. So if IIT doesn't work out, I think we should consider RnH since they have already offered us a place.
Hi Everyone,
We'd be happy to host next month's meeting at our studio. Also, since we use Linux extensively in our environment, across our servers, render farm and desktops, we could use this opportunity to showcase some of the systems and software that we use within our organization. In addition, we could also organize an Open House, either as a part of the ILUG-BOM meeting or as a separate event, where we would focus more closely on how R&H leverages technology and FOSS in the creation of high-end visual effects.
To get the ball rolling, please let me know the following details: 1) Date and time of the meeting (Preferably on a weekend) 2) Requirements (Projector, DVD player etc.) 3) If possible, an approximate count of how many people are likely to attend.
Thanks Aditya
Dear Aditya,
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:09 PM, aditya awasudeo@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks for offering your office for hosting the ILUG-Bom meetings. Can you please provide the location/address of your office?
We will be glad to know more about how GNU/Linux is used in production environment.
Depending on the location of your premises we will schedule a meet in Sep or Oct.
We generally need couple of computers and a projector. Most ILUG-Bom meets have 20/30 people attend depending on the location.
Thanks Aditya
Thanks once again for your offer to host the ILUG-Bom Meeting(s). With regards,
Thanks for offering your office for hosting the ILUG-Bom meetings. Can you please provide the location/address of your office?
Our office is located in Goregaon, near the Inorbit mall. The postal address is:
Rhythm & Hues Studios India Pvt. Ltd. Prism Tower, A-Wing, 3rd Floor, Mindspace, Goregaon-Malad Link Road, Goregaon (West) Mumbai - 400062
Thanks Aditya
On 8/27/08, aditya awasudeo@gmail.com wrote:
It would be a sunday, either 21st September or 28th September.
A projector is usually needed. Internet connection and desktop/laptop for presentations, if needed.
Well that would be difficult to foretell. Probably we can start a wiki page as soon as announcement is finalised but that doesn't guarantee that everyone will mention their name on the wiki or everyone mentioning their name on the wiki will come.