To configure PPPOE follow these steps..I use PPPOE at my place since the last 2 years in Fedora core 5 and Ubuntu . I ll first describe how I did it in Fedora ..then I ll also describe how I did it in Ubuntu... U ll also need a lil help from Winblows...
1] In "raspppoe" or "pppoeconf" from start menu and click on "Query Services" ..Note down the relevant access concentrator name , and the service name for your provider.
2]In any fedora system , run "system-config-network", In the GUI you get, select New interface , and in the list of connection types, select XDSL .
3] In the GUI that follows , enter the username and password, and also other stuff like activate on boot., allow all users to activate the device etc.. Then click on OK , and click on "save" from file menu
4] Now double click on the interface you just created and in the "advanced" tab, enter the access concentrator name and service name you noted down from windows. Again save the configuration from file menu.
5] now just run "system-control-network" (from menu or terminal ..ur choice :) ..) will get GUI to turn you PPPOE connection on/off.
PS : in the menu;..."system-config-network" ==>menu->administration->network
"system-control-network" ===> menu->system->network device control
1] download latest rp-pppoe (version 3.8 afaik) from
2] On a standard system....just run "go-gui" from the package , it will give you GUI for PPPOE where you can enter all the relevant fields like username . passord, AC name , service name etc.... and just hit connect
If "go-gui" doesnt work.....
3]Run following commands in the rp-pppoe-3.x folder from terminal... cd src ./configure make make install (as root) 4]Now try running "go-gui"
In my Ubuntu dapper system, "go-gui" worked fine , and I did'nt need to compile anything much....
Hope this helps....... Please feel free to post any more doubts about this ....
On 27/09/06, अिनकॆत (Aniket) wrote:
To configure PPPOE follow these steps..I use PPPOE at my place since the last 2 years in Fedora core 5 and Ubuntu . I ll first describe how I did it in Fedora ..then I ll also describe how I did it in Ubuntu... U ll also need a lil help from Winblows...
1] In "raspppoe" or "pppoeconf" from start menu and click on "Query Services" ..Note down the relevant access concentrator name , and the service name for your provider.
ok so I get sainet1234 and the number to dile is sainet\sainet1234. I don't know what else information I should get? I did not understand where is access concentrator? can you give me some example for an idea? and I am a visually handicap person and I only have a command line desktop with all the utilities. so I need the command line utility to do all the configuration. I will have to wait until late this year to get perfect access to gnome desktop. so Please provide me all the instructions for the command line. I am using ubuntu and also knoppix. Krishnakant.