Dear All
I'm a free-lance web developer based in the UK - I hope it's OK to post here. I've got more work than I can cope with at the moment and am looking to outsource some of it. Specifically 'm looking for help with integrating moodle ( with SIMS, a proprietary data management system widely used by schools in the UK. I'm also looking for help with maintaining nd developing a bespoke website and content management system for a school in the UK.> The essential skills needed are php / mysql / html / css> Desirable skills are perl, wml, javascript, linux system administration and knowledge of moodle Any work done would be open source. I've not delved into the finer points of the different open source licenses but I should imagine it'd be GPL If you know of anyone who could help, I'd be delighted to hear from you
David Willington Sheffield, UK
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On 5/22/07, David Willington wrote:
Dear All
I'm a free-lance web developer based in the UK - I hope it's OK to post here. I've got more work than I can cope with at the moment and am looking to outsource some of it. Specifically 'm looking for help with integrating moodle ( with SIMS, a proprietary data management system widely used by schools in the UK. I'm also looking for help with maintaining nd developing a bespoke website and content management system for a school in the UK.>
Hi David,
I saw your message on the Mumbai linux mailing list about helping with moodle.
To be frank, I hadnt heard of moodle until you had posted your message and hence was quite curious to try it out. unfortunately, i havent crossed the installation stage ( the entire directory just vanished after a few minutes of trying to set up the mysql databases..) ... perhaps i can send a patch/bug for that soon. :)
however, the code looks pretty interesting. i would be interested in contributing to this project. i have had some experience with html/css/php/mysql and some linux admin work. i have also developed numerous website and currently help with the linux administration team at my office.
could you tell me what kind of help you need with this project ? do you also need help in running this program for a school ? and how much time do you estimate for this work per week ?
Regards, Ananth
Everyone loves transparency but a professional would have probably posted this mail to the intended employer and NOT to the list at large.
However if this was a smart way of asking for help on why your moodle installation failed - you'll have to be a LOT more specific.
Just some Friendly advice.
- vihan
On 5/24/07, Vihan Pandey wrote:
Everyone loves transparency but a professional would have probably posted this mail to the intended employer and NOT to the list at large.
Harsh Busa wrote:
u sud ideally reply directly to the sender in this case
oops. I am really sorry. i had *NOT* intended to post to the list. i will be more careful in future!
Regards, Ananth
oops. I am really sorry. i had *NOT* intended to post to the list. i will be more careful in future!
i'm glad you agree. Also, PLEASE DO NOT quote email addresses in your email body.
Harsh Busa djdhfhf29299.qwkdqwkd@eklfhl2h39u2903.39932823kl wrote:
u sud ideally reply directly to the sender in this case
- vihan