I have an IBM laptop. I have upgraded the hdd to a 20g from a 6g hdd. I have (had ?) FC2 on hda2 w/ home on hda6. hda5 is swap. I then loaded debian testing froma netisntall CD and then I loaded x-windows and some other software online.
Partitioning of the disk was done previoulsy using tomsrtbt.
Grub of FC2 is on hda2 and grub of debian os on hda3. hda2 is the active partition.
After installing debian testing, I am unable to boot into FC2. I get the following errors and things come to a standstill.
---------------------------------------------- Updtaing /etc/fstab: Unable to open /etc/fstab for writing: Read only file system.
touch: cannot touch '/var/lock/subsys/kudzu': Read only file system touch: cannot touch '/var/lock/subsys/iptables': Read only file system
Starting system logger:
the system just waits here and goes no further.
ps.: see my other mail for my debian woes :( pps.: I am using the web interface for this email so please excuse me if the lines don't wrap.
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