Could you guys please suggest me a good book for C programming in Linux? I want a comprehensive one which touches upon all aspects of C in Linux. I have enquired with TATA McGraw Hill and they don't have one. The only book they have is Complete reference to C.
On 8/9/05, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
Why C programming under Linux? If you want to learn C programming nothing beats "The C Programming Language" by K & R.
If it is the system calls that you want to learn - "Advanced Unix programming" by Richard Stevens should be a good investment. "man 3" is also available :-)
HTH, Natarajan
On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 02:08, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
In the order of increasing Importance.
Part I of the Learning Curve: 1. Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment: Richard Stevens 2. Beginning Linux Programming: Wrox 3. Professional Linux Programming: Wrox
Part II of the Learning Curve: 1. UNIX Network Programing Volume I: Richard Stevens 2. Understanding the Linux Kernel: Bowett and Cesati, O'Reilly 3. Linux Device Drivers: Rubini, O'Reilly 4. Linux TCP/IP Stack
Throw in "Just for Fun", the biography of Linus Torvalds, for some inspiration.
On Tue, 2005-08-09 at 21:27, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
I'm facing the same problem. All I could get hold of was /Sams - Teach yourself C for Linux Programming/
Do let me know if you find a better book.
Regards, NMK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
On Tuesday 09 August 2005 11:53, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:
Well C is platform independent but the programs arent ;). I want a book which will help me learn about these things:
1. Linux architecture (briefly) 2. CLI apps using curses or something similar... 3. GUI apps using GTK+, QT 4. Programming the X window system 5. Low level stuff like kernel programming, writing device drivers etc... ( i.e. stuff that i don't know yet about Linux...)
I know a comprehensive book covering all of the above aspects is not possible but a book which covers most would be welcome.
On 8/10/05, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
Any book covering or trying to touch upon most of the above would not be able to do justice to any of them. IMHO, it would be better to look for books on these topics separately.
Hi, On 8/9/05, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
In addition to the books suggested in the earlier posts I would recommend you to read : Regards, Saurabh Daptardar