Hello All,
The next monthly meeting is on 14th October 2017, 15:00 to 17:00, at Don Bosco Institute of Technology.
In this meeting, we are expecting a lot of participants from the teaching community (schools in particular). They are new to "Free and Open Source Software", and to computers in general.
So, for this month's meeting, we need to pick a topic that will give them a good introduction to the community and be a starting point for their adoption of Free Software.
Please pour in your suggestions for the same.
On 2 October 2017 at 12:57, Joe Steeve js@hipro.co.in wrote:
Hi, Im in town this month, so i can pop in for a session. Since our whatsapp activities will probably lead to a lot of newbies attending the meet, i can do a General Tour of the Linux GUI(Gnome version). 30 minutes of that, then we can follow it up with either an open Linux Q&A or a demo of various Education Software that we are including on our custom School Live CD's(will bring at least 20 or so to distribute there, plus ppl can take it on their pen drives too). Your thoughts people?
Thanks and Regards
R. K. Rajeev Ph : +91-9323802020