Hello all,
Does this group have monthly meetings?
Hi, Joe,
This group does not have monthly meetings. But we do feel starting them.
In the last month's thread Raghavendra, Rajeev, Siji Sunny did support the idea.
I am not very confident in taking full initiative. But I will definitely prefer to work as a volunteer. My idea was to hold an informal meeting of about 5-6 members. Then to plan for future meetings.
If you have any other proposal please do post it.
Regards, Milind
On 7 Mar 2017 14:09, "Joe Steeve" js@hipro.co.in wrote:
On Fri, 2017-03-10 at 16:50 +0530, Milind Oka wrote:
I think, thats a good number to start with :)
We'd need a venue though. An educational institution would be the best. Any leads?
We'd need a venue though. An educational institution would be the best. Any leads?
I think Don Bosco Institute of Technology (Vidyavihar) has a good open source lab, I am not sure if anyone from DBIT is on the list.
We are happy to volunteer our office, which is great for attendance < 30 and is right next to Vidyavihar Station.
Also want to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to the MumbaiHackathon week after next (March 25-26) at DBIT Kurla.
We are giving away Rs 50k in prize money and there are no API restrictions on what you can build. All you need to do to submit is push your code with an open source license on a pubic code hosting site like GitHub. We have over 300 registrations so far and seems like a great place to connect with students and fellow hackers!
Please register at https://mumbaihackathon.in and spread the word.
Hope to see you there!
On Sat, 2017-03-11 at 12:48 +0530, Rushabh Mehta wrote:
I think Don Bosco Institute of Technology (Vidyavihar) has a good open source lab, I am not sure if anyone from DBIT is on the list.
There doesnt seem to be any reference in the archives.
We are happy to volunteer our office, which is great for attendance < 30 and is right next to Vidyavihar Station.
Thats awesome. So, we can mark it off for second saturdays?
Seems okay for me.
Thanks a lot Rushabh for volunteering space. I don't think we will exceed 30 immediately. Meantime we can look for DBIT or other institutions, including my own.
Joe/Rushabh can you create a telegram or wa group so that for lots of micro messaging among us, the ML will not be flooded.
Will put the progress periodically on the list.
If you form a loop, please add me, 8652305696
Ashish and Rajeev have already posted their numbers.
Milind On 13 Mar 2017 10:39, "Joe Steeve" js@hipro.co.in wrote:
Joe/Rushabh can you create a telegram or wa group so that for lots of micro messaging among us, the ML will not be flooded.
So I did create a whatsapp group. Anyone interested in logistics of setting up the meeting pls email your number to Milind or me.
Hope to see you at the hackathon next weekend!
Kindly add me to your WA group. 9821133031. Regards, Kumar
On Mar 14, 2017 4:30 PM, "Rushabh Mehta" rmehta@gmail.com wrote:
Kindly add me to your WA group. 9821133031. Regards, Kumar
On Mar 14, 2017 4:30 PM, "Rushabh Mehta" rmehta@gmail.com wrote:
Mumbai Technology meetup is scheduled on 19th March @Directi Why can't we club it with this event?
Kindly add me to your WA group. 9821133031. Regards, Kumar
On Mar 14, 2017 4:30 PM, "Rushabh Mehta" rmehta@gmail.com wrote:
Mumbai Technology meetup is scheduled on 19th March @Directi Why can't we club it with this event?
On 2017 Mar 13 10:39:08, Joe Steeve wrote:
Thats awesome. So, we can mark it off for second saturdays?
Is this confirmed? Can we confirm the date and time for the meet? Is 8th of April okay with everyone?
@Rushabh thank you for providing the space.