Meeting started at exactly 3 pm. We had some new members. Dhruv, a young student who has been using Linux for last four years. He shared his experience of installing Linux for the first time and also using Linux in School. Ashish, another newcomer, who is an experienced sysadmin and programmer, said that he has been pushing FOSS in his company. We were happy to see an old ILUG member Prof Kumar from IIT-B who is also a Debian developer.
After the initial introduction, Rajeev started with the basic introduction of gpg. he explained how symmetric and asymmetric encryption works, the concept of secret keys. he explained how symmetric encryption is coupled with asymmetric encryption in the gpg to optimise performance.
Rajeev showed us how to set-up gpg key pairs and also how to share the public key with other users, he then gave a demonstration of how to encrypt, decrypt and sign a document with gpg. He explained the concept of the web of trust and how to import and sign gpg keys of others.
After the demo, there was a small question and answer session.
( Prepared by Raghu and Tayyab)
Thanks and Regards -- Milind