The following positions are open in our organisation.
Average work experience required is 2 years. Promising freshers will also be considered for trainee positions.
Send in your resumes to careers@consultmosaic.com.
- cnb
Linux Support Engineers
Task: Installation and support of linux based systems (Mail, Firewall, Proxy Servers)
Skills Sets: - Experience with: Qmail, squid, iptables, LDAP, MySQL Knowledge of: C, Perl, PHP, shell scripting
Programmers (PHP/Perl)
Tasks: Developing web based software
* PHP - Indepth knowledge of PEAR, Smarty, IMAP, LDAP, MySQL, GD functions. * Perl - Mail_* modules, linux system scripting * Shell scriping, (bash, sh)
Programmers (TCL/Oracle)
Task: Extending the Arsdigita community system
* Experience with TCL scripting, Oracle * Knowledge of the Argsdigita (non java) community system
My resume is avaiable at http://munshi.dyndns.org/resume.html.
I would like to apply for the position of Linux support engineer. I can start the work only after June-July.
On Saturday 15 February 2003 13:32, cnb-ml@freedomink.org used the keyboard to enter the following:
- Lacture by Richard Stallman @ VJTI on 14th Feb. 2003 @ 6:00pm. *
The following positions are open in our organisation.
Average work experience required is 2 years. Promising freshers will also be considered for trainee positions.
Send in your resumes to careers@consultmosaic.com.
- cnb
Linux Support Engineers
Task: Installation and support of linux based systems (Mail, Firewall, Proxy Servers)
Skills Sets: - Experience with: Qmail, squid, iptables, LDAP, MySQL Knowledge of: C, Perl, PHP, shell scripting
Programmers (PHP/Perl)
Tasks: Developing web based software
- PHP - Indepth knowledge of PEAR, Smarty, IMAP, LDAP, MySQL, GD functions.
- Perl - Mail_* modules, linux system scripting
- Shell scriping, (bash, sh)
Programmers (TCL/Oracle)
Task: Extending the Arsdigita community system
- Experience with TCL scripting, Oracle
- Knowledge of the Argsdigita (non java) community system
- -- Amish K. Munshi In GNU we trust. Visit http://munshi.dyndns.org/imp for my public key.
I distinctly remember replying for this mail directly to the sender but it has reached the LUG, I would like to appologies for this mail, something seems to be broken about my kmail today (Having lots of other problems with software since my home partition gor full). Sorry for the post once again.
On Saturday 15 February 2003 23:11, Amish Munshi used the keyboard to enter the following:
- Lacture by Richard Stallman @ VJTI on 14th Feb. 2003 @ 6:00pm. *
My resume is avaiable at http://munshi.dyndns.org/resume.html.
- -- Amish K. Munshi In GNU we trust. Visit http://munshi.dyndns.org/imp for my public key.