am new to this list, but am disappointed to see lack of traffic here.. anyone listening, lets revive it if its possible..
i am running single boot linux on my PC since about two and a half years, and am a great fan of Mandrake distribution.
i came across http://dot.kde.org/1053201681/ -> "KDE/Qt Gain Increased Support for Indic Languages", and the screenshots look good.
- -- Amit Upadhyay Senior Undergraduate Student Department of Mechanical Engg. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai-76, India Phone: (91) 9820325940
On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Amit Upadhyay wrote:
Welcome to the list,
Yes, the traffic is kind of low right now, but the list is surely not dead. BTW, Ximian released next version of its GNOME based desktop, reviews say its well integrated. Official downloads on June 9th. More on http://www.gnomedesktop.org.
Best regards Rajesh
On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 6:34 am, Rajesh Deo wrote:
Welcome to the list,
Umm.. In my local group it is sort of KDE is the desktop, we dont use gnome. How about this list? I have lots of reasons to prefer KDE, first of which is excellant library QT. Nothing beats its simplicity and cleanness of API interface, excellant documentation and responsive mailing list. Gnome is just a hack on what was a small toolkit for GIMP.
On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 6:39 am, Clinton Goveas wrote:
Mandrake 9.1 comes with Hindi language support that can be chosen at startup itself.
Na na na.. See, QT [and hence KDE] started support for Indic scripts last month only, before that there was no way [short of ugly IndiX hack] to render them correctly. Gnome's pango did support hindi for a longer time, and http://www.indlinux.org is doing good job translating it too, but still we are not yet in a place where distributions started distributing hindi versions. Now that technology hurdle is taken care of, a lot of translation of documentations, all those howtos, readme-s, tutorials, and the GPL itself ;) is left for us.
Hope to see Hindi in Mandrake 9.3 or atleast 10.0 :)
- -- Amit Upadhyay Senior Undergraduate Student Department of Mechanical Engg. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai-76, India Phone: (91) 9820325940
On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 1:24 pm, Philip S Tellis wrote:
Depends. Mandrake's Galaxy theme, with decent fonts looks pretty nice on my PC. And then there are eye candies like Karamba and Super-Karamba for KDE. Give it a fair chance, and you may start to get the feeling of what I mean.
and still you say that KDE is better?
That ugly hack was for both KDE and Gnome [actually for X itself]. Besides, displaying indic scripts properly is difficult, look at the screen shots of Gnome translation site at www.indlinux.com, and compare them with those of QT's implementation, you will find QT much better there. Would like to see how windows does it.
http://www.indlinux.org/hindi/gnome/22images/gedit3.jpg vs http://trolls.troll.no/lars/konqueror_hindi.png
Ofcourse Gnome will get it right in due course, but then, I appreciate QTs approach of giving quality more waitage than mere features. [Stands true for KDE as witnessed by delay in their KDE 3.1 release, to accomodate bug fixes after security audit]
Anyways, what matters now is translation and availability of content in Hindi. After all this is what our president wants :) [http://www.financialexpress.com/fe_full_story.php?content_id=35147]
- -- Amit Upadhyay Senior Undergraduate Student Department of Mechanical Engg. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai-76, India Phone: (91) 9820325940
Those screen shots are of gnome2.0 In gnome2.2 the font rendering has improved dramatically. <non-flame> So your complain that GNOME guys do not do quality work is not true. </non-flame>
QT's implementation, you will find QT much better there. Would like to see how windows does it.
I ve had some of the "windows afficionados"(They do exist surprisingly enough) telling me that Hindi and Marathi versions of Windows are also available but they have yet to see one themselves. And this is what some of them have told me.
But obviously if nobody has seen this then how come it exists??????
Shashank Ashtikar
On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 10:49:06AM +0530, Philip S Tellis wrote:
It exists, I have seen it, it was developed right here in mumbai - in juhu actually.
Was it an NCST project or MS did it themselves? Asking since you said it was developed in juhu. And what happened to it later?
On Wednesday 04 Jun 2003 10:18 am, Shashank Ashtikar wrote:
Nopes they havent. http://www.indlinux.org/hindi/gnome/22images/gedit3.jpg Even in the mailing list of hindi translation for Gnome at indlinux, people have only hoped Gnome will improve Font-config or something that leads to this problem [top horizontal bar not aligning with each other, small issue, but when dealing with font rendering this is about the biggest issue you can have!].
- -- Amit Upadhyay Senior Undergraduate Student Department of Mechanical Engg. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai-76, India Phone: (91) 9820325940
On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 01:27:54PM +0530, Amit Upadhyay wrote:
Why do you say that? Have you worked with GNOME? Or any of the related libraries like GTK, libglade, etc? How many languages does KDE support for developing applications?
I for one, love the smooth and simple GNOME desktop ... the best part is the decoupling of the desktop environment from the window manager ... customizing the behaviour of my desktop like keyboard shortcuts, workspace management is such a breeze!
Mandrake 9.1 comes with Hindi language support that can be chosen at startup itself.
Clinton Goveas http://www.clintongoveas.com
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