Hello All, We have started an effort, by means of website www.roadjams.info, to provide real-time traffic information to Mumbai. Would appreciate if people who are interested to contribute can contact me or mumbai<at> roadjams.info.
The development requires people to have a GPS enabled phone, (external or internal GPS) and a small utility that sits on the phone and updates location to the server. The software on the mobile is available under GPL. Currently the software works very well on Nokia phones. Support for other phones is being developed and should be possible in near future.
Thanks, Akshay
On 19-Aug-08, at 12:15 PM, Akshay Mishra wrote:
this being a FOSS mailing list, we are pretty paranoid (or least I am) about things like copyright, licenses, access to data and the like. Could you spell out your policy in these regards? Is it a good idea to tie yourselves to the big G? We do have a (slightly b0rked but repairable) totally free map in OSM and another (slightly b0rked but full of valuable data) in freemap. Not to discourage you, but if you want people to provide info, you must also guarantee that the said info is free for use for anyone (not just free as in beer).
ps, I calculate that about 100 man hours of work is enough to rectify the OSM map of Mumbai - and am willing to contribute some of that if others are coming forward.
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 1:10 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon@au-kbc.orgwrote:
Is it a good idea to tie yourselves to the big G?
Are you saying that GPL is a problem? At least, they have taken the wise step of not tying it to a BSD.
I would help - if I could get my Freerunner to work at all.
btw, they should release the package for Openmoko as well. Why use Symbian and lock-me-in Nokia to help the FOSS world?
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 2:13 PM, Nishit Dave stargazer.dave@gmail.comwrote:
I am unable to gauge the effort required and hence might not be able to comment here. If you have a plan on this activity why not start it and people would slowly join once it starts taking shape.
The software on the handheld/phone uses OSM with an option of Google. Our current concern, with the limited resources, was to provide Traffic Information. If OSM can support the purpose, I would have loved to use that instead of anything else. But the priority was roadjams. Since Google does not prohibit the information flow from their map for the initiative, it served our purpose very much.
73, Akshay
On 19-Aug-08, at 2:33 PM, Akshay Mishra wrote:
I think a sprint could do it. We need a place with machines with at least 1 gb RAM at least and good internet connectivity. If we get 5-6 people, we can divide the city up and start moving the streets. We will have a couple of people who are experts in josm and potlatch to guide people who are having problems. NRC-FOSS would kick in with some funds for this if the place can be arranged. I am willing to come to Mumbai and coordinate things. If 6 people work for 20 hours in a sprint, we can do it.
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 7:20 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon@au-kbc.orgwrote:
This would be very useful. Before this, can you put a small REAME on what all will be required ? If OSM is improved, it would be mightily useful. While I am skeptical about the time: 20 hour and it's feasibility but willing to give it a shot. Tell me what to do. We have mechanism to upload GPS co-ordinates in real time to a server so this should not be a worry. What else is needed. Maybe you need not come down here if you can remotely assist in the exercise.
On 20-Aug-08, at 11:02 AM, Akshay Mishra wrote:
OSM has an online editor called potlach. OSM also has permission to use Yahoo satellite imagery to do the tracing. I have made GPS tracks in various points of Mumbai and have verified that the Yahoo satellite image is accurate. The OSM data is pushed slightly to the northwest. This displacement is not consistent, so we cannot rectify it programmatically. We have to manually grab each road and move it. I have moved the juhu-tara road and done a little work in that area. You could check out by looking at the OSM map there.
we need warm bodies who are willing to do some work. It is better if I am on the spot because the warm bodies need to be trained a bit.
On 20-Aug-08, at 11:29 AM, Saswata Banerjee wrote:
not 'a' machine - as many machines as there are volunteers, and wifi for volunteers with laptops. I put the number at 5, but I personally know atleast 12 guys from Mumbai who would take part.
On 20-Aug-08, at 9:34 PM, Saswata Banerjee wrote:
ok - so lets fix it, september 13-14 sprint at your place. You provide space, wifi, PCs. I will be there to train and support (I will try to get planemad, India's OSM superstar who has done Chennai to come). Roshan, please set up a wiki page for participants to register.
On 21-Aug-08, at 7:58 AM, Akshay Mishra wrote:
cool. What is needed for the sprint:
1. laptop if you have one 2. gps tracks if you have a gps 3. willingness to sit and work
The work will be simply to open the potlatch editor and align the streets along the Yahoo image. Use local knowledge to name (or rename) streets. And junctions, flyovers and also sketch in prominent buildings and landmarks.
Participants need not wait for the sprint to get started. Go to http://openstreetmap.org, register, login, search for your area in Mumbai and start sketching.
Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
Hi Everyone,
The office of Progress Partners, Mumbai is available for this project on Sept 13, Sept 14, 2008. We have a wifi network available, bandwidth (adequate according to kenneth) and all those participating in the project are welcome. We have quiet a few PCs here running Linux for people to use, and any laptop will be added to the wifi network. I hope this is what we need.
I am not able to add the address to the wiki site as suggested by kenneth as I cant figure out how to log in. I will get the address and the directions to it tomorrow.
Looking forward to working with all of you on those 2 days, though I will probably only add encouragement then be of much real help.
Regards Saswata
On 26-Aug-08, at 4:09 PM, Saswata Banerjee wrote:
as discussed on IRC, the prerequisites are: 1. ability to use a mouse 2. IQ of over 80 3. commitment to freeing geographical info
note: criterion no 2 can be relaxed on request note2: windows users are also welcome and criterion no 2 does not apply to them
Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Someone put a wrong address for my office for the event. Instead of the office, they put the registered address (which is my home).
Its now been corrected. Please check the address in case you have noted it down. Its at lower parel, behind phinox mills.
I will put an osm link as soon as I figure out how to do it.
Regards Saswata
On 02-Sep-08, at 2:30 PM, Saswata Banerjee wrote:
should be somewhere here: http://www.openstreetmap.org/? lat=18.9846&lon=72.8183&zoom=15&layers=B00FTF
On 02-Sep-08, at 2:48 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
or is it somewhere here:
http://www.openstreetmap.org/? lat=19.001&lon=72.8256&zoom=15&layers=B00FTF
On Tuesday 02 Sep 2008 14:30, Saswata Banerjee wrote:
ok - so lets fix it, september 13-14 sprint at your place.
14th is Ananth Chaturdashi (Ganesh visarjan). So 1300 onwards roads will be shutoff for traffic. IMO except for the intolerable din, it's still doable.
jtd wrote:
I didnt realise that 14th was visharjan. I think we better change the dates. On visharjan day, too much of traffic restrictions are there and all roads come to a standstill.
No one will be able to move easily. In fact, taking a car out on that day will be a mistake. If the roads are shut, how do we get the work done ?
Regards Saswata
jtd wrote:
I didnt realise that 14th was visharjan. I think we better change the dates. On visharjan day, too much of traffic restrictions are there and all roads come to a standstill.
No one will be able to move easily. In fact, taking a car out on that day will be a mistake. If the roads are shut, how do we get the work done ?
Regards Saswata
jtd wrote:
I didnt realise that 14th was visharjan. I think we better change the dates. On visharjan day, too much of traffic restrictions are there and all roads come to a standstill.
No one will be able to move easily. In fact, taking a car out on that day will be a mistake. If the roads are shut, how do we get the work done ?
Regards Saswata
Saswata Banerjee wrote:
Till noon, traffic will be OK. After that it will be one way on the main routes. The 'dhamaal' starts in the afternoon. Going back will be the dicey part. Trains are the best option on those days.
On 03-Sep-08, at 9:41 PM, Saswata Banerjee wrote:
I feel we should go ahead - we have a full day on 13th anyway, and it is essential that we get started.
Further, I have been trying to get going on something with you for the past 6-7 years, and *this* time nothing is going to prevent it.
On 04-Sep-08, at 10:32 PM, Rony wrote:
graphical redrawing
On 19-Aug-08, at 2:13 PM, Nishit Dave wrote:
big G==Google
On 20-Aug-08, at 7:14 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
to elaborate: tying an app which is opensource/free to google data is not a good idea. After collecting huge amounts of data and users, you may find that the big G owns you. Incidently, with respect to data, neither GPL nor BSD is appropriate - CC is.
Date 13th - 14th september 2008 timing: 10 am on 13th to 5 pm on 14th
venue Progress Partners, Mumbai Unit 4, 2nd Floor, Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Gandhi Nagar, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013
jtd wrote:
Lower Parel West, behind Phinox Mills. Its the building next to Sai Service.
If you are coming from Worli Naka, take the E Moses Road (The road from worli naka to mahalaxmi railway station, going past nehru science center) Take the first left turn on that road (just before Nehru Science Center) Drive past Sai Service Showroom (on your right) Get into the next building gate on the right side.
Note - we have a problem with visitor parking in our building, so may be parking at phinox is a good idea, but its a long walk round to the back side where our office is.
If you are coming by train, you can get off at mahalaxmi station (western railway), come towards worli naka, take the second right turn (just after Nehru Science Center) and follow the same route as above.
For those coming from Central Line, get off at curry road, go towards worli naka, past peninsular towers, you will find nirolac paints building on the left, take a left turn from there, proceed on the road till you see a right turn, ignore the turn, its the building immediately thereafter on the left.
Hope I have not confused you guys. Office Phone nos - if you get stuck - 24930308, 24930312
Regards Saswata
On Thursday 11 Sep 2008 2:59:13 pm Saswata Banerjee wrote:
Hope I have not confused you guys. Office Phone nos - if you get stuck - 24930308, 24930312
please put on wiki