This email is not very off-topic for this forum, hopefully.
There was an interesting turn of phrase in Mr. Rony's email, the one in which he refers to Slax as a 'bomb' with a positive connotation.
Now in American and British English, to bomb or to have bombed is a slang term for a flop.
If you have noted any new/ potentially new phrases of slang in Indian English, but preferably those more directly related to F/OSS than the above hypothetical example, would you consider dropping me a line? With a large enough number of samples, a collaborative glossary of FOSS slang from India could be compiled and released under a Creative Commons/FreeDoc license.
Please drop me an email about anything interesting. Collaborators and critics welcome.
Just a thought.
Suhit Kelkar.
Suhit Kelkar wrote:
There was an interesting turn of phrase in Mr. Rony's email, the one in which he refers to Slax as a 'bomb' with a positive connotation.
Now in American and British English, to bomb or to have bombed is a slang term for a flop.
Being a bomb is different from 'to bomb' or 'have bombed'.