Hello Friends,
I am compiling the commands used on linux system for monitoring and load analysis purpose. These commands are mostly used to check the performance and bottleneck on the system.
Below are the few commands which I have jotted down. Kindly feel free to append this command list. Thanks in advance.
1. du 2. df 3. ps 4. who 5. w 6. free 7. top 8. vmstat 9. uptime 10. pgrep 11. iostat 12. sar 13. mpstat 14. pmap 15. netstat 16. ss 17. iptraf 18. tcpdump 19. strace 20. cat /proc/cpuinfo 21. cat /proc/meminfo 22. cat /proc/zoneinfo 23. cat /proc/mounts 24. nmap 25. lsof 26. mtr 27. getconf 28. ping
Kind Regards, Aasif Shaikh
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:32 PM, Aasif Shaikh aasif.shkh@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Aasif Shaikh,
Excellent Idea.
IMHO, please write a small simple howto on what each of those commands does, and also most common options they are used with. This would be an invaluable quick lookup resource for any Systems Administrator.
We can put this up on the GNU/Linux Users Group Mumbai wiki so that the entire community can contribute to it.
How does this sound ?
Hi Vivek,
It sounds great. I'll start composing this how-to. Meanwhile, can you please tell me whom should I submit this how-to?
Thanks for your valuable opinion.
On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Aasif Shaikh aasif.shkh@gmail.com wrote:
Upload it on the wiki[1]
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Mehul Ved mehul.n.ved@gmail.com wrote:
Sorry I could not read the list for a few days, any progress Aasif ?
On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Aasif Shaikh aasif.shkh@gmail.com wrote:
I have edited the URL http://db.glug-bom.org/wiki/index.php/Howtos and added the topic 'System/Network Administration' in the contents section.
Start adding to those pages for a start, and then we can all collaboratively edit and maybe even later move those howtos under other relevant sections if needed in the future as the contents grow.
At least you now have a stadium and also a pitch to open your innings :-)
Hi Vivek,
Thanks for the stadium and pitch, innings will start this weekend :)
Arun Khan,
Thanks for appending the list with pstree.
Deepan Chakravarthy,
Monit is not a bad idea but I guess it's an application server with thread-pools and event driven i/o architecture. As of now, we would like to start composing the wiki with the basic command line utilities with there common usage.
I feel like "MONIT" should be covered completely in a different section. Not sure, if you agree with me but you can correct me if I am wrong.
Kind regards, Aasif Shaikh
On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 1:26 AM, Vivek Varghese Cherian < vivekcherian@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:32 PM, Aasif Shaikh aasif.shkh@gmail.com wrote:
you missed out monit
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:32 PM, Aasif Shaikh aasif.shkh@gmail.com wrote:
29. pstree
pstree lists the processes in a tree like manner. I find it very helpful when multiple instances of a program are running and I need to take action on a specific instance only.
-- Arun Khan