Are you working on any free software or open source (FOSS) project? Do you know anyone who is?
There's a great opportunity for all Indian FOSS contributors to showcase their work at the national level, and perhaps global too! Plus, the development team (or individual) can get a minimum cash prize of Rs 25,000!
But, there's more to it than just cash prize. The winners will get exclusive coverage in LINUX For You magazine, and openITis.com (aka linuxforu.com). Which in turn could mean: (a) more media coverage for the project and its developers, (b) publicity amongst targeted customers, and (c) more contributors getting attracted to the project.
Launched with an initial kitty of Rs 5 lakhs, the FOSS India Awards aim to recognise India's top 20 FOSS projects. The LINUX For You team is working with FOSII (Forum for Open Source Initiatives in India) on this venture.
The registration for FOSS India Awards is FREE! All one has to do to register is to visit http://www.openitis.com/awards/ and fill in the two-minute form. Registration for FOSS India Awards is open till 15th December '07. The awards will be announced during Open Source India Week (aka LinuxAsia 2008) during the 2nd week of February '08.
Please do forward this message to anyone whom you believe is working on a FOSS project, and is a good candidate.
Let's prove to the World that India contributes to FOSS too...
Best Wishes! LINUX For You team
On 10/31/07, Niraj Sahay niraj@efyindia.com wrote:
in the above site! ... "all registered projects will get exposure through tGeorgia,Times New Roman,Times,serifhe awards website" !! ....