On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Amol Hatwar wrote:
are based on C and Assembly.
Has somebody been this way before? And is it possible to get it done without keeping all the rigisters in your brain ;) (i.e. w/o assembly).
Hacking into bootloaders is always a painful task. Yes, it IS doable without keeping all the registers in your brain and No you can not do it without assembly. Writing all the important registers on paper would surely help a lot. :) The easiest way is a small hack into the bootloader, which would be then be placed at the start of SDRAM, to take the kernel bootable from some other location in memory. Again, techniques depend from chip to chip. Take your pick. I don't think in this hack you can intervene the loader via serial port/etc/etc and the loader would directly access that location but I am not sure of this feature. Which bootloader would you use? Choose one with minimal appendages.
hth _h
chip to chip. Take your pick. I don't think in this hack you can intervene the loader via serial port/etc/etc and the loader would directly access that location but I am not sure of this feature. Which bootloader would you use? Choose one with minimal appendages.
Thanks for your insight Hemant. It was really helpful.
Amol Hatwar.