This article *_indirectly_* speaks about the dominance of Non-Free software right from the early years of computing, and also recognizes the efforts of FSF to make users realize, that Non-Free isn't any good. Perhaps, it speaks about being "It works!" / "It should work whatsoever" approach.
-- FSF-India Fellow Associate
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On Wednesday 17 January 2007 21:54, Roshan wrote:
I actually agree with some of the views expressed there. I've already expressed mine on this list. Know your target. Learn marketing. Show an average Joe that there's an alternate that works equally well. Show businessman how to save money and get better security and stability. Show freedom to those who're concerned with it, wannabe hackers for example. Learn marketing.
Interesting view point, and yes it does speak ``about the dominance of Non-Free software" however its the same stuff about you need it keep proprietary drivers, firmware etc. in your distro - else it won't work everywhere and will loose popularity.
i don't think this guy really gets why gnewsense or ututo are being pushed. You NEED the world to know you need a COMPLETELY Free(as in Freedom) Operating System(yes that includes a Free BIOS as well). Anything lesser just won't do, and till the time we do have a completely Free(as in Freedom) Operating System we have no choice but to use what's there - but that does not mean we forget the objective of building the system.
The minute you say Ubuntu supports everything(including proprietary drivers) the user becomes happy - cool - but then what is the probability of him recognizing the importance of Freedom(if he is unaware of it)?
During our freedom struggle resistance to British economic imperialism by encouraging swadeshi cloth(mainly khadi), and paper(though very inferior in quality) was one of the cornerstones of the struggle. People boycotted british goods - plain and simple, why don't we boycott imperialistic hardware? Is it so hard(even for a newbie) to purchase hardware after doing a ``little" bit of homework? Come on, if someone is going to buy a car - they do ask if you get all the necessary spare parts nearby or where's the nearest service center.
i think that's what most people forget. Freedom is not restricted to only those who believe in it or are aware of it, it is for all including those who don't care about it. They MUST be made aware of it.
And yes, i am very well aware that there are people who couldn't care less and are irritated when you talk about freedom, well you just have to tell them what happens when they don't care - if they ignore you - try again, if they make fun of you try again, if they fight you try harder - then you win. Its only a matter of time.
- vihan
With freedom comes the responsibility to use that freedom. Many people are not prepared to face that responsibility.
If you help a child to walk before (s)he is ready, (s)he ends up bow legged. If you bring a diver who is out of oxygen up to the surface too fast, he will get the bends. If you force water down a thirsty man's throat, he's more likely to choke than get quenched. If you drop your potatoes into the oil before it is hot enough, you'll get oil soaked potatoes instead of dum aloo.
You shouldn't push people before they are ready, and the fact that you, or even ten thousand people like you are ready does not mean that everyone else is. Each person must come to the discovery, willingness and realisation on his own, and no one should force them beforehand.
Philip Tellis wrote:
i remember uncle Ben telling me something similar.. 'With great power comes great responsibility'
- spidey
That way.. it's called dumb aloo..
exactly.. thats what freedom is all about.. let everyone choose to be/do what they want (but make them aware of the choices). Don't force f/oss down their throat but tell them a nice/better free (speech/beer) alternative exists..
beer where?
In jail -- for serial killing!
beer where?
In jail -- for serial killing!
Which Jail.. Is killing necessary ;-)
Warm Regards,
Mukund Deshmukh, Beta Computronics Pvt Ltd. 10/1 IT Park, Parsodi, Nagpur -440022 India. Web site -