On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon@au-kbc.orgwrote:
is this mail intentionally blank ?
On Friday 22 Jan 2010 1:12:03 pm Harsh Busa wrote:
no - I forwarded a mail which this stupid client sent as an attachment which mailman stripped. The forwarded mail is cut and pasted below:
[Ilugc] [commercial] [NO PROFIT] FOSS promotional calendar 2010 is ready for sale From: Arulalan T tarulalan@gmail.com To: "ILUG-C" ilugc@ae.iitm.ac.in, kanchilug kanchilug@freelists.org
Dear Luggies,
As discussed earlier, FOSS promotional calendar 2010 is ready for sale . Interested members reply me off-line ( tarulalan [at] gmail.com ) with your name , address , phone/mobile number, specify the mode of delivery and number of copies.
Currently we offer mode of delivery through VPP and cash-on-delivery.
This is done purely on NO PROFIT basis by Kanchi Linux User Group.
The cost of the calendar is Rs.120 + transit charges.
Web Link : http://picasaweb.google.com/kanchilug/GnuLinuxCalander2010FinalPrinted#
நன்றி ,
அருளாளன் . த
Kanchi Linux User Group Rocks !
My Experiments In Linux are here
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On Friday 22 Jan 2010 3:03:35 pm Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
[Ilugc] [commercial] [NO PROFIT] FOSS promotional calendar 2010 is ready for sale
I forgot to add that these calendars were made with inkscape and the Kanchi LUG people demonstrated the process in the last Chennai LUG meet. These are good guys doing good work so please support them by purchasing in large numbers. (am sure Rony and JTD can buy a hundred each for all their customers)
On Saturday 23 Jan 2010 10:36:22 am jtd wrote:
you are paying to support the efforts of Kanchi LUG to promote and use free software
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Harsh Busa harsh.busa@gmail.com wrote:
You have become treu IBMer! ;-)
With regards,