shouldnt it be "GNU/LINUX" Asia 07 ? i mean where is the credit to the community who developed the major portion of the entire thing ?
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On Saturday 20 January 2007 08:44 PM, Vivek R cobbled together some glyphs to say:
shouldnt it be "GNU/LINUX" Asia 07 ?
... in case you think LinuxAsia '07 is something dedicated to GNU, Linux, Software Freedom, sure. But in case of a purely commercial event sponsored by Micro$oft, may be not.
Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose Ubuntu -- Linux for Human Beings
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On 1/20/07, Vivek R wrote:
shouldnt it be "GNU/LINUX" Asia 07 ? i mean where is the credit to the community who developed the major portion of the entire thing ?
Please don't start _that_ one again ;)
On Sun, 21 Jan 2007 13:49:28 +0530 (IST), Philip Tellis said:
Sometime on Jan 20, Vivek R assembled some asciibets to say:
shouldnt it be "GNU/LINUX" Asia 07 ? i mean where is the credit to the community who developed the major
But GNU isn't a community. GNU is an (as yet incomplete) operating system.
I am not sure that is entirely accurate. There has long been a community effort around gcc, emacs, gas, bison -- long before there was Linux, actually, and even before BSD 4.4 lite was released. The FSF seeds various communities (FSF Europe, for one, comes to mind), which are fairly vibrant, and quite productive.
Unfortunately, the same can't be said of the HURD.
On 20-Jan-07, at 8:44 PM, Vivek R wrote:
shouldnt it be "GNU/LINUX" Asia 07 ? i mean where is the credit to the community who developed the major portion of the entire thing ?