Dear P. V. Mohan Krishnan I am thrilled that the High Court have adopted the Linux path. I am a teacher at VJTI and would offer my services to the High Court. Being a govt duty , this should not cost you anything provided correct levers are activated . I feel there is a need for some expert knowledge and also of spreading of the . Though I love linux, I am not the expert. I do however feel I can help as intermediate and as trainer and troubleshooter at various levels.I also have access to students who can do the necessary problem solving. As far as training is concerned we will have to look for some one who has already tuned the emacs for the needs of highcourt typists. The requirements will have to be studied translated into features that emacs can achieve.Accordingly the macros (.emacs files) will have to be built. Different set of typists (those who take dictation from the Court and those who maintain registers , those who maintain web-sites, those who deal with lawyers, those who do office book-keeping etc, all will have different needs. Using these different macros, getting the users comfortable with these, and modifying them after usage for some time will eveolve. also making sure that they don't see this as labour displacement will be the HR role to be played skill fully . It is here that some systematic and mature thinking will have to be applied. I would love to be part of the effort. Another major issue that needs to be considered is that the court may create their content in Unicode. More over the court has also to deal with indian languages. Particularly the proceedings at the lower courts are in local language and correspondence with them also. The RedHat Version 8.0 has better support for this. Recently the font issue has been more or less resolved. This will ensure compatibility with future applications. As said again, I remain open to correction, but feel linuxers in Mumbai have a golden opportunity to prove how they can useful to the community. My contact nos are Res: 8578943 Office, VJTI Mech Engg: 4151791 email:
Jitendra Shah