hi all !
i would want to read some file from my windows directory . i have created a dir called win in the mnt directory.
when i give the following command.
# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/win
i get the following error mount: fs type ntfs not supported by kernel
can some one please tell what is this error and how can i read the files
please help
thanks in advace
gk mumbai
On Sunday 23 Oct 2005 1:50 am, Gopi K wrote:
compile your kernel with ntfs support
On Sunday 23 October 2005 01:50 AM, Gopi K wrote:
Because, Your kernel haven't support NTFS Partition. Try modprobe -l | grep ntfs If you found success result then try to load it using modprobe ntfs It will allow you to mount ntfs partition. Then try
mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/win
If your kernel haven't support of ntfs then you have to compile ntfs kernel module.
Cheers, Hardik Dalwadi.
On 10/24/05, Hardik Dalwadi hardik@deeproot.co.in wrote:
kernel-module-ntfs is available in the livna repository for FC4. Go install it!
-- |----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mrugesh Karnik | Registered Linux User #375243 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Chk out http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/
The livna idea is the best in case of fc4.
It appears that ur kernel does not support ntfs partition. Check using Xconfig and menuconfig in source directory. U will come to know @ the reason. Just in case if it is not supported, make support for it and recompile.
But, I think ntfs write support is not stable, check it.
Gaurav Khatri