Hello Every1,
I am having Red Hat 9.0 and have an internet connection from a cable internet provider. Actually its an ethernet and I have been given a static IP/netmask : . I have also been given a gateway : and a DNS server IP : .
I have configures device eth0 to have static IP address and default gateway is also configured.
THe internet connection I ude first requires me to log on with a username and password by first going on the website.
I am able to browse the ethernet. Able to log on see my usage. But when I have to go somewhere on to the internet it gives me a message connection refused when attempting to connect to...
when i ping those websites it says network unreachable.
I tried to install squid but squid wont start it gives an error about some unknown name????
pls help me as thats the only reason preventing me to totally switch over to GNU/Linux from other operating systems.
Thank u for ur time Rohan :)
On Thursday 12 Jun 2003 6:35 am, Rohan Niranjan Ullal wrote:
GLUG Meeting on 8th 4pm at PUKAR, Near CST.
Hello Every1,
I have configures device eth0 to have static IP address and default gateway is also configured.
when i ping those websites it says network unreachable.
Assuming I can ping gateway etc, I would first check if DNS is working as it should. If it does [nslookup/telnet/ping/ncftp all report IP addresses.]. I would then try to ping www.google.com, and see what happens. If nothing comes back, I would like to see what does /usr/sbin/traceroute has to say about it. It should report your router there atleast. If it starts showing all those stars before reaching google, it means there is a firewall, while if doesnt list even your router, there is someproblem with your LAN settings. If so, try to find the proxy [nmap your lan B-) ], and set your browsers accodingly.
Squid is if you want to play ISP, and give proxy access to Net via your computer to others, which I guess is not what you are trying to do right now.
HTH, - -- Amit Upadhyay Senior Undergraduate Student Department of Mechanical Engg. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai-76, India Phone: (91) 9820325940
check if u have a vpn connection u might be getting a different ip when u log in for ppp0 something that does not start with 172.something or 192.something or 10.something. so ur default gateway after connection doesnot remain 172.something. in such a case change ur default gateway to "" or "*.*.*.*" so that your default gateway is taken automatically. rh won't let u change this bu using setup so u have to edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and add a line GATEWAY
u can see ur gateway by giving the route command after this and it shoulnot begin with either 172,192 or 10
===== ninad purohit ninadonline(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)in have a nice day :-)
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