hi folks,
i would be glad to recv ans to these Qs, one of them is technical, the other just pure inquisitiveness ...
1 - technical - is it possible to load >1 distros of linux?
2 - how many of v luggers have been able to completely do away with M$ OSes and its array of applns - IE, Office, etc? personally, i run win2k and rh7.1 ... but routine chores happen on M$ ... are most luggers that way ... or am i in the minority here? it would be great to get some stats on this esp fm people who belong to a staunch linux community ...
a *nix newbie, ny
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On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 11:49:47PM +0530, |= n I y A N T =| wrote:
1 - technical - is it possible to load >1 distros of linux?
Yes it is possible. Also you can share partitions like /home, /var etc among these (if /home and /var are on different partitions)
2 - how many of v luggers have been able to completely do away with M$ OSes and its array of applns - IE, Office, etc?
I don't use M$ OSes and other applications.
On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 11:49:47PM +0530, |= n I y A N T =| wrote:
1 - technical - is it possible to load >1 distros of linux?
Yes, very much possible, and probably with the same kernel. Just that the root= and init= parameters have to be changed.
I never use MS products. Actually, I refuse to open .doc files at all! (unless it's from some professor ;-( ) Depends on what your primary tasks are.