I just discovered that Scratch now has a web version !
https://beta.scratch.mit.edu/ https://beta.scratch.mit.edu/
Is there a comprehensive list of F/OSS education tools and games? The articles that Google throws up are very old and so is this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Open-source_educational_video_games https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Open-source_educational_video_games
Please share if you find a curated list!
I have created the list of F/LOSS education tools a year before. I have also created a modified version of CAELinux 2013 by including all the list tools in the document.
BTW CAELinux2013 is based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
S. Baskar
BTW CAELinux2013 is based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Thanks, maybe a web-version will be great for making it search friendly :)
Looking specifically for younger kids - 4-10 age bracket.
On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 9:12 AM Rushabh Mehta rmehta@gmail.com wrote:
I just discovered that Scratch now has a web version !
Is there a comprehensive list of F/OSS education tools and games? The
i had one long time back may be more than a decade back :P , but yes the landscape has changed a lot , my last experiment with https://sugarlabs.org/ on raspberry pi is where i left off , if you can be more specific about the age groups and the pedagogy you want to follow i can help in curating, have you thought enough about it do you have something written somewhere so that we know why and what are you getting into ?
thanks -Satya Satyaakam.net http://satyaakam.net/ | fossevents.in | ** For all official purposes use my name as Satyakam Goswami **
Hi Rushabh,
On Thursday 23 August 2018 9:12:12 AM IST Rushabh Mehta wrote:
Is there a comprehensive list of F/OSS education tools and games?
As a part of our ILUG-BOM activities targeted towards education we had made a small list of software that we could include in our customized ISO for schools, you can download the list from this link: https://box.raghukamath.com/cloud/index.php/s/Txi1xpkBVjyv9Wz
This is not a complete list there are many other educational software, you can find some in Debian Edu , and also in KDE Education Section.
There is also a collaborative textbooks initiative by KDE, wikimedia and others called - wikitolearn, it is pretty nascent.
Our Central Govt. also has produced some textbooks for CBSE, the topics are all based on F/LOSS tools. You can also download these from the website.
There are also textbooks from Kerala board, which can be downloaded, Milind Sir had collected them.
Thanks Raghu for the leads.
Unable to unzip it on a mac 😅. Maybe a web list will be awesome :)
This is not a complete list there are many other educational software, you can find some in Debian Edu , and also in KDE Education Section.
https://edu.kde.org/ https://edu.kde.org/ is quite good :)
On Thursday 23 August 2018 10:51:27 AM IST Rushabh Mehta wrote:
Unable to unzip it on a mac 😅. Maybe a web list will be awesome :)
Pasting the content here since it will be archived in mail and may also be included in web searches.
Some of the Free and Libre software used in Education :
1) ArtiKulate Artikulate is a pronunciation trainer that helps improving and perfecting a learner's pronunciation skills for a foreign language.
2) Audacity Audacity, an open source audio editor
3) Blender Animation
4) Blinken Memory Enhancement Game
5) Cantor Cantor is a free software mathematics application for scientific statistics and analysis
6) Gcompris Educational Games and Activities From KDE
7) GeoGebra Draw different geometrical shapes using the features of GeoGebra software
8) Gespeaker Gespeaker is a free GTK+ frontend for espeak. It allows you to play a text in many languages with settings for voice, pitch, volume and speed. The text read can also be recorded to WAV file for future listening.
9) Ghemical prepare models of molecules with the help of Ghemical Software
10) GIMP GIMP is a graphic editor software used for editing digital pictures and Photographs.
11) GNUCash/GNUKhata Accounting for Higher secondary
12) Gplates Gplates is a Free software has the facility to observe the formation of tectonic plates over the years, the reconstruction of tectonic plates and their shifting through different periods, with the help of simulation.
13) Inkscape Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor; it can be used to create or edit vector graphics such as illustrations, diagrams, line arts, charts, logos and complex paintings.
14) Kalzium Find out the facts behind the scientific names of elements and other features with the help of Kalzium software
15) Kbruch Practicing fractions and percentages
16) Kdenlive Video editor
17) kgeography KGeography is a geography learning tool, which allows you to learn about the political divisions of some countries (divisions, capitals of those divisions and their associated flags if there are some).
18) KIG Interactive geometry
19) Kletters App for learning alphabets
20) Kolorpaint Mspaint alternative
21) Krita Digital painting
22) Kstars Desktop Planeterium
23) Ktouch KTouch is a program to learn and practice touch typing.
24) Kturtle Logo Based programing environment for kids
25) Libre Logo Libreoffice based logo programing environment
26) Libre Office Suite Office Suite
27) Marble Marble is a virtual globe application which allows the user to choose among the Earth, the Moon, Venus, Mars and other planets to display as a 3-D model.
28) Minuet Music education
29) Mypaint Painting application
30) Parley Vocabulary trainer
31) PhET Free science and math simulations for teaching STEM topics, including physics, chemistry, biology, and math
32) RasMol We can observe molecules with a complex structure using RasMol Software.
33) Scratch Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations
34) Scribus Scribus is a Desktop Publishing application.
35) Stellarium Stellarium that produces a virtual reality of the sky. By adjusting the location and time in this software, you can observe the sky from any location at any time. You can reproduce interesting and wonderful stellar aspects in a clear and simple manner through Stellarium software.
36) Synfig Studio, Vector animation tool
37) Tuxpaint
On Thursday 23 August 2018 11:17 AM, Raghavendra Kamath wrote:
Is this available as a customized distro? We haven't remastered our school distro after 14.04.
For some online resourses do look at https://doer.metaStudio.org/
btw, scratch being available online is not a good news, because we cannot use it in schools that are not connected. Do look at http://doer.metastudio.org/snap/ a lighter replacement for scratch that you can run without Internet.
-- GN
On Friday 24 August 2018 06:24 PM, Baskar Selvaraj wrote:
Yes, The last time we built Learning Studios we included the following (sorry for pasting html in the body of the message): Apart from updating these packages we would like to add some more, including some of the installable addons from doer.metastudio.org. Also, Pencil and KDE graphics and all of kdeedu packages to be included.
* Geogebra (Dynamic mathematics) * CarMetal (Dynamic mathematics) * Kig (Dynamic mathematics) * Dr. Geo (Dynamic mathematics) * KAlgebra (Solve equations, plot graphs) * K3DSurf (Explore 3D curves with equations) * Qliss3D (Explore Lissajous Figures) * Cantor (KDE front End to Maxima) * RKWard (A graphical frontend for R, for all your statistics needs) * Scilab (A package for all your mathematics computations)
* Step (simulate physical world) * Physics (simulate the physical world) * gvb (Good Vibrations, play with 1 and 2 D waves)
* Avagadro * Kalzium * Periodic Table
* Stellarium http://beta.metastudio.org/gstudio/page/gnowsys-page/2921/ (a desktop planeterium) * Kstars
Primary / General Education
* Sugar Learning Environment (this is the software running One Laptop Per Child has numerous of activities for learning all subjects) * G-Compris (set of educational tools for primary)
** Kangram (play anagram, guess jumbled word) ** Khangman (play hangman, guess the word) ** Parley (learn different languages)
* LaTex http://beta.metastudio.org/gstudio/page/gnowsys-page/2917/ Utilities (The Document preparing system) * AucTeX – a major mode for LaTeX in Emacs * Kile – a standalone editor for LaTeX * TexMaker – a cross platform editor for LaTeX * kBibTeX – manage bibliographies
Emacs23 http://beta.metastudio.org/gstudio/page/gnowsys-page/2919/ Org-mode (a major mode in Emacs for writing structured documents)
Libre Office 3.3 (complete package)
* Base (manage database) * Calc (Spreadsheets) * Draw (Draw using simple tools) * Impress (create presentations) * Math (write math equations) * Writer (word processor)
* Gbrainy (solve the tough questions) * Chess (play chess with computer) * Sudoku (solve sudoku puzzles) * Kitsune (a number game)
* GIMP (GNU Image manipulation program for all your photo editing needs) * Inkscape http://beta.metastudio.org/gstudio/page/gnowsys-page/2923/ (For all vector drawings for cards, brochures, posters) * Okular (View PDF and DJVU documents, make notes and comments) * Evince (View PDF files) * Image Viewer (View all image files) * Xfig – Diagram Editor * DJView4 (View DJVU Files) * PDF Editor (Edit PDF files) * Xsane (Image Scanning Utility) * Gscan2PDF (Scan documents to PDF) * ScanTailor (Join and process scanned documents)
Video and Audio
* VLC (view all your videos) * Rhythmbox Music Player (play all your music, also connect to internet radio) * Pitivi (Video Editor) * Cheese (Take photos from your webcam) * Audacity (Audio Editor)
* Brasero (Toast your CDs, DVDs) * K3B (Toast your CDs, DVDs)
* Firefox (browse the web) * Opera (Browse the web) * Transmission (bit torrent client) * Empathy (all your chat accounts) * Ekiga (talk to people over internet)
* Emacs23 http://beta.metastudio.org/gstudio/page/gnowsys-page/2919/ * Gedit
System Utilities
* Terminal (For all things that you want to do) * Bleachbit (clean your system of unecessary files) * File-light (view relative size of files in a folder) * Disk Utility (manage your hard drives) * System Monitor (view information about the computer, processes running, processor, memory and network usage, and file systems) * Language Support (add new languages to system)
On Friday 24 August 2018 6:18:51 PM IST GN wrote:
Is this available as a customized distro? We haven't remastered our school distro after 14.04.
We have a Fedora based version and a debian based version. With xfce, Gnome as well as KDE flavours Both versions can be built with latest base distro that is fedora 28 and debian 9.
Rajeev had created the fedora build, so he must be having the fedora iso on his server. I have the debian xfce version of the iso.
For some online resourses do look at https://doer.metaStudio.org/
I forgot about this thanks for link,
Note: The certificate has some problems in the above link.
On Saturday 25 August 2018 09:48 AM, GN wrote:
There is an educational version of Zorin OS, a distro based on Ubuntu. Pretty good UI and nice collection of apps. It has a regular ISO with GNOME and a Lite version with XFCE. We have a few CDs with us of the just previous version(12.3). I can give you them if we can meet. Otherwise you can download the ISO of the latest version(12.4) from their website. https://zorinos.com/education/
Raghavendra: Do also have a project colecting "discarded" computers and passing them onto people in need? (Our user group had a project "Computers for charities" to collect, refurbish and donate old computers to needy people/organisations. It was very popular).regardsharsha godavari ----- Original Message ----- From: Raghavendra Kamath raghu@raghukamath.com To: GNU/Linux Users Group, Mumbai, India linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in Sent: Wed, 22 Aug 2018 23:02:43 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] Comprehensive list of open source education tools
Hi Rushabh,
On Thursday 23 August 2018 9:12:12 AM IST Rushabh Mehta wrote:
Is there a comprehensive list of F/OSS education tools and games?
As a part of our ILUG-BOM activities targeted towards education we had made a small list of software that we could include in our customized ISO for schools, you can download the list from this link: https://box.raghukamath.com/cloud/index.php/s/Txi1xpkBVjyv9Wz
This is not a complete list there are many other educational software, you can find some in Debian Edu , and also in KDE Education Section.
There is also a collaborative textbooks initiative by KDE, wikimedia and others called - wikitolearn, it is pretty nascent.
Our Central Govt. also has produced some textbooks for CBSE, the topics are all based on F/LOSS tools. You can also download these from the website.
There are also textbooks from Kerala board, which can be downloaded, Milind Sir had collected them.