On Thursday 03 February 2005 17:14, Philip Tellis wrote:
Sometime Today, cobbled together some glyphs to say:
The primary purpose of Free and Open Source Software is Freedom. Utility, performance, world domination etc. are beneficial spinoffs.
If the software has no utility or bad performance, then free or not makes no difference, it's still useless. There's loads and loads of useless free software around.
Utility and performance can be extracted from even useless software provided ofcourse the software permits you the freedom to do so. Non free software continues to stay the way it was created buggy and increasingly useless. Infact useful non free software over a period of time tends to become completely useless. I am dealing with some such pieces now. The Company has to pay us a big fat sum just to find out how it's old software worked :-)). And then more to make the new software.
BTW i am sure u know better ;-)
rgds jtd