Novell is working on a localization project for the GNOME desktop environment. We have done localization in 5 Indian Languages
Bengali Hindi Gujarati Marathi Tamil
We are planning Localization Usability workshop for Gujarati whereby we are inviting people to test the Gujarati localization and provide their feedback. We will compile this feedback and use it for improving the Gujarati localization status.
The schedule and venue are mentioned below:
Language: Gujarati Venue: Mumbai (Novell Office) Date: March 31, 2007
We are looking for 10 volunteers for this Usability Workshop. Volunteers should either be regulars user of desktop with a Gujarati interface or should be able to read, write and speak Gujarati well.
In case you are interested in contributing towards this effort, please contact me either on the list. Let me know if you want to communicate off-list.
Regards, RahulKrishna Gupta Novell India Pvt. Ltd. (O) +91-22-28342244