This month's Linux Users' Group meetup can take place at Directiplex. Details:
Date: 22nd December, 2013 (Sunday) Time: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Suggestions for sessions are welcome. We also need one session for the Spotlight session (showcasing a Linux distribution).
Let me know if anyone has any suggestions for the event.
Best Regards, Rigved
Also, just like last time, the Python and JavaScript user groups will also be conducting sessions on the same day, from 2:00 p.m. onwards.
Discussion about their sessions will take place at:
https://groups.google.com/group/mumpy https://groups.google.com/group/mumbaijs
The timings for the LUG have changed. It will now take place from 3 p.m. onwards. The change is timings is because Kenneth Love will be streaming live around 10 a.m. (IST) and talking about his review of Two Scoops of Django (https://django.2scoops.org/). So, the Python and JS meetups will take place first.
Best Regards, Rigved
Just a quick update. A facebook event has been put up: https://www.facebook.com/events/1439416289606415/ . The timing for the Linux User Group may change, though! :(
If anyone else wants to take up a session, you are more than welcome to do so! :)
Best Regards, Rigved
Just a gentle reminder. This event is tomorrow.
Hope to see you guys there!
Best Regards, Rigved
Am on my way there....
Which floor/room are we meeting in ?
Best Regards, - Royce Pereira On 21 Dec 2013 12:55, "Rigved Rakshit" r.phate@gmail.com wrote:
Its on first floor in sauran.
cheers Mukesh On Dec 22, 2013 9:57 AM, "Royce Pereira" roycejp@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks Mukesh,
Guess I'd already reached the venue by the time your mail came, though i didn't see it until after the event.
Thanks again for replying.
Best Regards, - Royce Pereira On 22 Dec 2013 10:16, "Mukesh Yadav" mak.gnu@gmail.com wrote:
Welcome, How was the event ? Even though Linux meet up wasn't successful.
cheers Mukesh On Dec 22, 2013 8:57 PM, "Royce Pereira" roycejp@gmail.com wrote:
The event was quite informative and interesting.
Even though there were fewer than expected crowd for the Linux meet, we got into open discussions about Linux and how each one is using it. Also there was a live video chat with Kenneth Love on Django.
So the event did turn out better than expected, though we missed Karthikeyan, who was a scheduled speaker.
Best Regards, - Royce Pereira On 22 Dec 2013 21:04, "Mukesh Yadav" mak.gnu@gmail.com wrote:
If anyone has any pictures of the December meetup, please do share! One picture which I took of the Linux and Python user groups discussing about GNU/Linux and Free Software is here: http://ubuntuone.com/55wUkew6s4mVEsNCW3YfWq .
Best Regards, Rigved