---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Guntupalli Karunakar karunakar@indlinux.org Date: Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 8:21 PM Subject: Contributing to Gcompris for Indian language support. To: Indlinux group indlinux-group@lists.sourceforge.net, IndLinux Hindi < indlinux-hindi@lists.sourceforge.net> Cc: Kde-l10n-hi@kde.org
Possibly many must be aware of Gcompris, from its website - "GCompris is a high quality educational software suite, including a large number of activities for children aged 2 to 10."
Gcompris is planning a 1.0 release by 17th November 2020. Last date to commit translations is 15th November.
Indian language support has not been updated for some time. I compiled a brief status here - https://www.indlinux.org/wiki/index.php/Gcompris
While primarily its UI translations, but a key aspect is audio also, which plays if recordings in the language are available. Please refer to above wiki page for details on what work needs to be done.
Regards, Karunakar