Hi All,
Our New Offers :
The following are the new versions avaiable with us :
1) Slackware 8.0 2cd set - Rs. 150/- 2) Slackware 8.0 Source CD - Rs. 75/- 3) Debian Potato 2.2 rev5 - 3cd binary set - Rs. 225/- 4) Mandrake 8.1 3cd set - Rs. 225/- 5) Redhat 7.2 Updates (patches,bugfixes)1 cd set - Rs. 75/- 6) Suse Linux 7.3 Updates (patches,bugfixes,with kde2.2.2) 1 cd set - Rs. 75/- 7) Suse Linux 7.2 Updates with kde2.2.1,gnome 1.4, ximian 1 cd set - Rs. 75/- 8) OpenBSD 3.0 2cd set - Rs. 150/- 9) Corel Linux 1.2 1cd set - Rs. 75/- 10) Openoffice.org 1 cd set - Rs. 75/- 11) Redmond Linux 4cd set- Rs. 300/- 12) Icepack Linux 2cd set - Rs. 150/- 13) StarOffice 5.2 1 cd set - Rs. 75/- 14) FreeBSD 4.5 4cd set - Rs. 300/- 15) Elx Linux (Distribution form India) 2cd set - Rs. 150/- 16) Gnu Hurd H2 4cd set - Rs. 300/-
shipping and handling charges will be extra. please mail us with your requirements and address so that we can confirm the shipping and handling charges.
We also have box packs for SuSE, Mandrake, Redhat, Solaris and various other distributions.
Also we are donating Rs.5/- per cd to the opensource community and your name will also be included as part of the donation and also appear on our web page.
mail your orders to sales@enterux.com
best regards,
Sales @ Enterux
Enterux Solutions 110, Reena Complex, Next to Vidyavihar Rly. Stn, Vidhyavihar - (W), Mumbai - 400 086.
DO u have Redhat 7.2, Kernel 2.4.14, with SGI XFS support built in. Let me know the cost & delivery charges, We are located at Marine Lines / Kalbdevi Road. Sandeep
requirements and address so that we can confirm the shipping and handling charges.
We also have box packs for SuSE, Mandrake, Redhat, Solaris and various
other distributions.
Also we are donating Rs.5/- per cd to the opensource community and your
name will also be included as part of the donation and also appear on our web page.
_________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
--- SP sandeep_from@yahoo.com wrote:
DO u have Redhat 7.2, Kernel 2.4.14, with SGI XFS support built in.
[snip] no offence meant to the parties involved.... dear sandeep.....pliss keep these mails off the list. I don't c wat the list has to do with ur buyin cd's. I understand it might b an error on ur part. So next time pliss take care.
Trevor Warren
===== ( >- LINUX, It's all about CHOICE -< ) /~\ __ http://www.qmailtheeasyway.com __ /~\ | ) / mailto: trevorwarren@yahoo.com \ (/ | |_|_ \ Urgent ->9820349221@maxtouch.co.in / _|_| ___________________________________/
__________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Greetings - Send FREE e-cards for every occasion! http://greetings.yahoo.com
Really sorry folks, was a mistake. --SP
_________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
Hey guys, This may seem redundant but I need the solution to my problem and any feedback will be appreciated. I am want to set up an FTP only server on my desktop computer's linux partition so that I can share files with my friends as I used to in windows using Serv U. I don't intend to use this computer as a server for any other type of protocol such as HTTP, etc. I have the wu-ftp daemon (wu-ftpd) installed on my Red Hat 7.2 partition. Now here is my problem. How do I setup user a/cs for my FTP server. I know the answer to this is rather easy but despite hours of scratching my head over it, I am not able to do it.....dunno why.....also, wu-ftpd does not load on start up....{or so I think}...thanx in advance... Orcaa !!
-----Original Message----- From: linuxers-admin@mm.ilug-bom.org.in [mailto:linuxers-admin@mm.ilug-bom.org.in] On Behalf Of SP Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 8:51 PM To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] [Commercial] Latest cds available from Enterux Solutions
Really sorry folks, was a mistake. --SP
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