Hello All,
The new Windows Vista is supposed to be using a new file system and its also encrypted, (EFS). So does this signal the end of mounting Windows partitions in Linux?
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i think we will sure get a solution for that EFS
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On 3/29/06, Rony Bill ronbillypop@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates ------------------------------------------------------------------------
On Wednesday 29 March 2006 4:26 pm, Rony Bill wrote:
Hello All,
The new Windows Vista is supposed to be using a new file system
Why worry about vapour ware. And any body who is stupid enough to allow "trussed" computing phone home ware on his machine would deserve what he gets.
Most likely given their "jalebi" record for mangling standards.
On 3/29/06, JTD jtd@mtnl.net.in wrote:
lol. do you really M$ that much? :O
-- Regards,
Dinesh A. Joshi
On Thursday 30 March 2006 6:07 am, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
The pathetic wimps. How could u hate them. It's like watching a rabid dog - u are sorry but can't do much. everyday u come across M$isms wherein simple straightforward things are twisted into a thoroughly unworkable mess. A recent example - major telecom service provider used ppp mangled (by M$) for "security" which prevented everything other than an M$ box from connecting. Never mind that the password went plaintext. You had to buy some crap lib from them for your device to work. Obviously they never heard of ssh port forwarding. Nor did the PHBs in the telecom company. They actually paid huge sums for the shit supplied by M$.
On Wednesday 29 March 2006 9:21 pm, JTD wrote:
All the filth swept under the carpet is causing an epidemic of illnesses to everyone in a relationship with the wh@#$.
On Thursday 30 March 2006 1:54 pm, JTD wrote: It gets worse by the femto second. Some banks are getting a dose of M$ "functionality". http://www.itnews.com.au/newsstory.aspx?CIaNID=31268&src=site-marq
dont miss the ads on the page. Can imagine all the junkies shivering in pain waiting for the next fix viisssstaaaaa...rrrggghhh. Not to mention indian banks running on IIS.
And it isn't just me. Some of the guys creating the junk are actually - gasp choke faint - thinking. http://minimsft.blogspot.com/2006/03/ vista-2007-fire-leadership-now.html
JTD wrote:
All the filth swept under the carpet is causing an epidemic of illnesses to everyone in a relationship with the wh@#$.
I tell my customers "You pay to use that OS and then you pay every time for using that OS."
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