Hi Linuxers
I'm trying to install wine on SuSe Linux 9 & getting following error.
Unresolved dependencies:
Installing wine-20050419-0.1[Local Packages]
There are no installable providers of (any)libXxf86dga.so.1[[Any]] for wine-20050419-0.1[Local Packages]
wine-20050419-0.1 is scheduled to be installed, but this is not possible because of dependency problems.
Marking this resolution attempt as invalid.
From where I can get these dependencies?
Regards Dinesh Dalvi
On 30 Apr 2005 14:38:23 -0000, Dinesh J Dalvi ddlinux@rediffmail.com wrote:
use yast for intalling packages it will resolve dependent package issues
From: "Dinesh J Dalvi" ddlinux@rediffmail.com
Why dont you use Yast to install it?
Regards, Dinesh.
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