Mentioned below is a vacancy for which recruitment is currently on. Please convey the same to smart alecs in need for a challenging oppurtunity. Incumbent should have had SOME exposure to Media/Events related activities with Tech Savyness as a BIG Pre-Requsite. Gnu/Linux exposure would be added plus.
A copy of the C.V. to "" and a cc to "".
PN: Pass on this to pple whom you think may benefit.
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From: Elizabeth Paul To: Subject: Re Date: 10 Jul 2003 10:20:46 +0530
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The Marketing profile
Main Duties
* Internally ensuring all RH employees convey a common message about corporate products and Sales / Business Strategies;
* Positioning Red-hat as a credible Enterprise Solution Provider by providing informations on reference accounts, case studies etc.;
* Create new and innovative marketing programs and execute in support of product, vertical markets and lead generation objectives through effective product launches, event management, participating in trade shows, promoting upgrade campaigns, migration seminars etc.;
* Locally extending the international Red-Hat co-marketing programs with partners (Orcle, IBM, Dell, HP and others) ;
* Providing timely Sales support by way developing promotional and presentation materials, organising seminars etc.;
* Co-ordinating with advertising agency and ensuring timely and effective media coverage ;
* Providing information to the management on Market and Competition analysis ;
* On a regular basis maintain, update and generate database of leads for sales by way of gathering information from all sources like partners, web, support, direct contact inside sales etc.;
* Generate positive cash flow through joint program with partners - Intel, IBM, Oracle, CA, veritas, HP, Dell etc.
* Manage and ensure renewal of all support contracts.
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