Hello All,
Is anyone experiencing mail delivery problems with the list mails? Off late I am receiving mails very erratically.
On 9/15/07, Rony ronbillypop@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
yes sir! my mails neva get thru to the mailing lists.. initially i get a mail sayin i have to wait for moderator approval and most of the time the post gets rejected! please sort out this matter or let me kno if i am going wrong somewhere.. i get a msg that cut the mail short so that it is <= 7KB.. bt so far i have posted plain text not more than a few bytes.. 7 KB is huge by those standards! wil be grateful if u reply.. regards..
On 9/15/07, Kamaleshwar Morjal [कमलेश्वर मोरजाल] kamaleshwar.morjal@gmail.com wrote:
yes sir! my mails neva get thru to the mailing lists.. initially i get a mail sayin i have to wait for moderator approval and most of the time the
The problem seems to be pretty grave at your end with some text actually being lost in transit. Only parts of some of your words have reached the list.
On 9/17/07, Dinesh Shah dineshah@gmail.com wrote:
:o) ok.. for that matter lemme give it another try.. well i have just now installed ubuntu and need as much help as possible.. first thing.. i wanna increase the count-down timer's count that 10 seconds by default.. how can i edit that.. anything more about GRUB would be appreciated and wud b great help too.. Also, i wanted to kno if everyone who posts to the list gets the mail sayin u have to wait for moderator's approval before the mail's sent through? [and by the way.. doesnt matter if u delete half the words while posting but plz make sure ur reply doesnt get lost in transit.. it may prove to be really helpful for me.. :o)] thanx & regards..
Quoting "Kamaleshwar Morjal [???????? ??????]" kamaleshwar.morjal@gmail.com:
Also, i wanted to kno if everyone who posts to the list gets the mail sayin u have to wait for moderator's approval before the mail's sent through?
Please go through the first introductory mail sent to you by Mailman. It explains the list usage guidelines and why you may be put on moderation.
To keep out spammers, all newly registered members are put on moderation by mailman. In addition to that, if your email is larger than 7KB, it is rejected back. You may want to compose emails in plain text to reduce size.
On 9/18/07, Kamaleshwar Morjal [कमलेश्वर मोरजाल]
The Grub's config file is /boot/grub/menu.lst. Open this file in the terminal with the command "sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst"
Search for the line "timeout 10" and change the 10 to whatever you want. To edit (move your cursor near the "10", press i, edit and then press ESC, finally press ":wq" to save and quit. Next time when you boot up you will get the new timeout.
On 9/18/07, Parth parth.technofreak@gmail.com wrote:
Thank you very much for the quick help.. i think my prob's solved. I do post msgs in plain text much < 7kB And the gud news is that my post was not subjected to moderation this time around.
Thanx and regards.. :)
On 18-Sep-07, at 4:30 PM, Kamaleshwar Morjal [कमलेश्वर मोरजाल] wrote:
On 18-Sep-07, at 12:41 PM, Kamaleshwar Morjal [कमलेश्वर मोरजाल] wrote:
you *do* need help, and we are here to give it
s/wanna/want to/ s/wud/would/ s/b/be/ s/kno/know/ s/u/you/ s/sayin/saying/ s/ur/your/
please write each 5 times and memorise
On 9/18/07, Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon@au-kbc.org wrote:
:) I am a newbie to LINUX; not English! Still, no offense intended. You sure could understand what I meant. So did everyone else. Guess this forum is for Linux (& English LIterature now)!!! Thanks for the help anyway. I will take care to be "Literally Correct" henceforth. :) Guess the list should carry on the discussion of "Mail delivery issues" now.
please write each 5 times and memorise
On 18-Sep-07, at 5:24 PM, Kamaleshwar Morjal [कमलेश्वर मोरजाल] wrote:
in any foss mailing list in the world, you are unlikely to be taken seriously if you use smsSpeak. I am not sure it is in the rules of this list, but avoid it anyway. And Indians are notorious for posts like:
dear i wan 2 compile linux kernel ur requested to plz gve ur valuable suggestion asap
On 9/18/07, Kamaleshwar Morjal [कमलेश्वर मोरजाल]
We knew you are a newbie and hence some sweetness in dealing. It is the same reason you did not get much RTFM replies. But still, this is a mailing list not sms/chat list. Here, you are required to use proper English which all list members can understand. If you are English-illiterate then you can ask in your local language (FLAME-BAIT!). Use of sms-speak can either end you up in middle of flames or in a situation where you get neglected from being replied.
We not only point you to technical errors/solution, but also to linguistic errors/improvements such that you can improve it also :) we offer help in all possible ways.
On 9/18/07, Parth parth.technofreak@gmail.com wrote:
I think the text you've quoted above says it all..So much so that you didn't need to post what you have just posted! I did understand what Kenneth said.. right? Well doesn't matter if you felt tempted to post this.. but it is surely not justified to throw whatever you want at me just because i am a newbie to LINUX!!! And by the way, i have been following the lists since quite some time now and seen what all "senior" members post here.. Also. Just because I put my name in my national language does not, in any way, imply that i am English-illiterate. I have read the list-guidelines sent to me. Thank you for your reply..
On 18/09/2007, Kamaleshwar Morjal [कमलेश्वर मोरजाल] kamaleshwar.morjal@gmail.com wrote:
:o) ok.. for that matter lemme give it another try.. well i have just now installed ubuntu and need as much help as possible.. first thing.. i wanna
sorry, but your mail is completely irrelevant to the subject of this thread. Please read the thread on thread recycling that went through this list a few weeks ago.
On 9/18/07, Philip Tellis philip.tellis@gmx.net wrote:
Understood :) Read that thread. Thanks and regards.