hi there,
check out the following link to download the rpm for = RH 8.0
http://neomundi.com.br/usuarios/mab/redhat8_en.html =
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 Vidyasagar Venkatesh wrote :
does a= nyone have mozilla firefox rpm for redhat 8.0
if yes c= an u please mail it to me.
else give me the site from = where i can download the file
For Every Beginning th= ere is an End...
At the End there is a new Beginnin= g
http://mm.ilug-bom.org.in/mailman/listi= nfo/linuxers
[1] [ads.rediff.=]
1. 3D"http:/
well i did download the tar.gz version from the mozilla.org site.
but after i tar xvzf <filename> it gives me a firefox-insaller executable file.. when i execute that file i get a graphics interface where i can install firefox but during installation i get a particular error
Fatal Error[-618] : Couldnt open xpistub library
can you help me with this? please give me a solution for this error.
On 26 Jul 2004 15:35:53 -0000, Anil Kulkarni anil_debianuser@rediffmail.com wrote: