---------- Forwarded message --------- அனுப்புநர்: Mohan R mohan43u@gmail.com Date: வெள்., 20 நவ., 2020, பிற்பகல் 7:40 Subject: [ILUGC] ILUGC Monthly Meet - November 21, 2020 - 3-6 pm - Lets meet on IRC (#ilugc in freenode.net) To: ilugc@freelists.org
Indian Linux Users Group, Chennai [ ILUGC ] has been spreading awareness on Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) in Chennai since January 1998.
We will be organizing this month's meet through ILUGC's Official IRC channel (#ilugc in freenode.net).
If Visual Presentation required, we will use https://meet.jit.si (Link will be provided in #ilugc irc channel at the time of meet by the speaker who is willing to show visual content)
We usually meet on the second Saturday of every month, and for the month of November we shall meet through IRC on Saturday 21, 2020 at 1500 IST.
IRC Server: chat.freenode.net Channel: #ilugc Web IRC: https://meet.ilugc.in
Information about IRC meet: https://ilugc.in/best-practices-to-conduct-online-meet/
Talk Details:
Talk 1:
Topic: Systemd-Nspawn
Description: Who needs docker when we have systemd-nspawn. Systemd-nspawn is a simple but powerful command to run containers. In this talk, we will see how to run a container using systemd-nspawn.
Duration: 30 minutes
Speaker Name: Mohan R
About Speaker: Just another FOSS Enthusiast
Talk 2:
Topic: Debian Trick
Description: Offline installation of packages from the Debian ISO.
Duration: 15 mins
Speaker Name: Vrajarāja Govinda Dāsa
About Speaker: Started to use Linux and LaTeX as a student researcher at NIT-K, Surathkal around 11 years ago. Now I am a trained teacher (and an eager student) of the Bhagavad Gita helping people find meaning and purpose in their lives.
After Talks:
QA & general discussions
All are welcome.
Thanks, Mohan R --- Mailing List Guidelines: https://ilugc.in/mailing-list-guidelines Web: http://ilugc.in/ Internet Relay Chat: #ilugc on irc.freenode.net