Hi would like to know abt this command of red hat linux
grub-md5-crypt its easy to encrypt the passwd from this command but how to store the encrypted password ,,, And again is it possible to decrypt the passwd
And also do let me know abt 'idecrypt'command is it possible to decrypt the passwd from the password
Also tell me few others algorithams or commands of any flavor that would encrypt the normal text ,,,
Amit karia
On Wed, Dec 29, 2004 at 12:19:08PM -0000, Amit D Karia wrote:
Hello Amit,
Check gnupg (gpg) for more encryption commands/options. Encryption algorithms are usually two ways (decrypt the encrypted text to get back the original text). Hash is one way (you cannot get the original text back). examples - MD5, DES, Blowfish,etc.
--- Amish Munshi lists@munshi.biz wrote:
This encrypted password is most commonly used to set the GRUB password. Edit the /etc/grub.conf file and add the following line:
password --md5 <paste-encrypted-passwd-here>
This prevents unauthorized access to setting boot parameters. (Like entering Single Mode and changing the root password.)
Regards, Nadiem.
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