Hi All,
Around 2-3 Years back I handed over a "EduMorphix" CD to a kid. Recently I was surprised to find her using it even till date. I noticed that most of the applications on it are quite old compared with the versions that my daughter plays with. I want to give her a Live-CD with updated software since I cannot install anything on her dad's machine.
Unfortunately EduMorphix does not exists anymore. EduMorphix was just perfect, I dont know why they decided to dis-continue it. Freeduc (http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd) is not updated in a long time either There is no Live CD for edubuntu.
I am looking for any distibution including at least "TuxPaint", "TuxMath" and "gCompris". Can someone suggest a live CD focused on Education?
Regards Aseem
Aseem Rane wrote:
| Can someone suggest a live CD focused on Education?
| Can someone suggest a live CD focused on Education?
Edubuntu....could be a good distro focussed on Educational software. I have a copy of it.
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