Since we were discussing this sometime ago, I'm returning to it.
People mentioned we haven't had a good linux conference / event for a long time in Mumbai.
I can arrange lecture halls / rooms and computer labs in my college [MGM College Of Engineering And Technology, location: ] on the 8th / 9th of October (or some other Saturday/Sunday before that)
What I'll need is support from you in terms of planning and arranging the event. If any of you are willing to put some effort into this, please let me know.
Surya Sharma
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Surya Sharma wrote:
I am not sure how many people would be willing to attend an event so far away from the city. Most people are cribbing just to travel within the city. I wouldn't mind doing a few rounds of Panvel on weekends. Let's see what we can get done.
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Mehul Ved wrote:
I can come down from Ahmedabad if event is fixed and planned (Can't help in this much being non-local person). Also, can speak about Debian development.
On 7/31/10, Surya Sharma wrote:
I would suggest a dfaft preparatory meeting times and locations published and the task activity list somewhere say in the ilug-bom website.
I am at Thane. I may be available for many things at different points of time. I have been partly responsible for LinuxThane 2006. (Inside the cover, in Part II,, one can find my name)
Contact me offlist for my Contact and phone number.
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 06:56:46PM +0530, Surya Sharma wrote:
Why not take a doodle poll first to check who will be able to attend on which date. I would suggest we keep this on 2nd Oct since it coincides with Gandhiji's birthday and is also a Saturday.
I can post a link to doodle poll if we decide on tentative dates. My suggestions: 2 Oct: 1400 to 1900 hrs IST 9 Oct: 1400 to 1900 hrs IST
Please suggest any other dates as you please.
On Sun, Aug 01, 2010 at 01:36:45PM +0530, Nitesh Mistry wrote:
Here is the link to the doodle poll [0]. Please add your name and select the slots that you will be able to attend. If you won't be able to make it to any of the slots and want to suggest other slots, kindly email me your sugesstion and I will gladly add it to the list for others to vote on.