"If you ever wanted starting in 3D creation today, you probably need to know with which 3D applications package with you will feel better and which is the most suitable for you and business ?
Many new CG artists try many softwares before really starting their 3D business, that's of courses the best solution to try out and know if you feel coMfortable with one than other, so after you can't know all specs of all 3D softwares when starting in 3D...
Here is a comparison table with cons. and pro. for the most know today top industries 3D applications. This table isn't intended to be complete with all softwares features available but try to surround the common today 3D cg artist tasks."
Full review http://www.tdt3d.be/articles_viewer.php?art_id=99
Cheers Praveen
On 10/1/07, Praveen A pravi.a@gmail.com wrote:
Great link :) Thanks.. Really comprehensive study of all the software packages. Blender is really improving fast.. and definitely stands out on one front -- Open Source and FREE! absolute plus there.. I've recently started using Blender.. I only wish it could be as swift as Maya. I am really willing to contribute to the development of this software..
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