I know I am asking a wrong question just as many have but I am asking just becuse of a little nervousness. I really need help on this one and the only reason I am asking this is to know how much help I will get on any mail server. on this list.
I am going live with a complete webhosting and domain name providing service. I need to know which is the best mail server for this purpose.
As always the choices are qmail,sendmail, postfix and exim. I have worked with qmail, postfix and sendmail with decreasing order of knowledge about hem. I have never installed exim.
Other question is that, does sendmail provide virtual hosting. I have used virtual hosting but that was as system users in sendmail. I want completely transperent virtual hosting. So a amish{at}munshi.dyndns.org will not be any diferent from amish{at}munshi.d2g.com. That will not do my needs. Sorry guys for this question, but its a little more than just a same question.
On 24/11/02 23:59 +0530, Amish K. Munshi wrote:
Other question is that, does sendmail provide virtual hosting. I have used virtual hosting but that was as system users in sendmail. I want completely transperent virtual hosting. So a amish{at}munshi.dyndns.org will not be any diferent from amish{at}munshi.d2g.com. That will not do my needs.
Postfix/Qmail+Courier/Cyrus Imap.
I use postfix.
Devdas Bhagat