Hi! I'm studying 8086 in Microprocessor II Usually we write simple programs using MS-Dos's debug "command" Is there a parallel Linux utility ? Also are there any assemblers like MASM TASM ?
I would also like to clear some doubts:
1. In DOS we use interrupts like int 20,int 21 etc.. which perform certain tasks. Are these interrupts apllicable to Linux also?
2.In Assembly since we deal directly with CPU isn't it a security risk? (I have come across some debug routines which clear CMOS , destroy the hard disk partitions... !)
3.Why there r so many books written for Assembly Programming which are specific to Dos based Assemblers and debug? Is Unix implementation for Assembly Programming difficult ?
Please enlighten.
hi there,
Nikhil Joshi wrote:
A"free to download" version of TASM msy be avaliable from community.borland.com. However if u can get hold of TurboC you can write assembly within asm{} and run it, + u can debug it in the IDE.
The INT 21 BIOS interrupt is dependent on the version of DOS installed and dosent have anything to do with linux imo .other BIOS interrupts, i think they can be called from kernel space only.
I guess linux offers protection in the form of kernel space and user space accesses. 80386 and higer have privledged modes of operation, which should keep misbehaving programs at bay. unix and linux are inplemented in c mostly. and anyway assembly is totally independent of the operating system which is runnig on the processor. :-)
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