my debian router tends to do just that after a while of operation. The problem is basically it gives some harddisk related errors. But the harddisk checks out fine. I just need to format and reinstall debian and everything starts working fine.
The hardware is quite old. It's a P1 166MHz, 1GB Seagate HD, 64MB RAM. Help is appreciated.
On Tuesday 16 August 2005 19:18, Amol Hatwar wrote:
The problem is that I need to authenticate using 24OnlineClient (linc-daemon) and also, it's not just a router. By day its a router, by night its a downloader :P (i know it sounds sucky, but hey I am bad at PJs :P). Know of a place to get really really really cheap seagate 10/20/40GB HDDs(new or second hand). I am on a tight budget here :)