Hello, A friend is working on this project to simulate a shell. It has to be written in C/C++.. Any pointers to some sites/tutorials which give some guidelines etc... Bye, Surya __ __ |__ |__| |/ __|urya |rakash |\ompalli
Email - kompalli@cse.buffalo.edu Phone - (716) 862 0366 Website - http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~kompalli/
Sometime on Sep 24, Suryaprakash Kompalli assembled some asciibets to say:
A friend is working on this project to simulate a shell. It has to be written in C/C++.. Any pointers to some sites/tutorials which
Why don't you contact some of your friends doing or done PGDST at NCST. It is a project topic IIRC.
--- Suryaprakash Kompalli kompalli@cse.Buffalo.EDU wrote:
Hello, A friend is working on this project to simulate a shell. It has to be written in C/C++.. Any pointers to some sites/tutorials which give some guidelines etc...
1. Define the command interpreter syntax, and write the yacc grammar.
2. Implement it using flex (lexer) and bison (parser).
3. Do the screen handling, memory allocation, system interface stuff, et al.
Take a look at the bash source - it should help.
2. Define what
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