Should we plan for a meetup /Technical session in December?
Date : December 3rd Saturday ?
Venue : Dr,Nagarjun &Ganesh, will it possible to arrange HBSE seminar hall?
Technical Sessions :
1.Disko - UI frame work for Embedded Linux - By myself .
On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Siji Sunny sijisunny@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Siji,
Good to see you take the effort to revive the LUG Meets again. Hoping that people do attend, and I can myself make it to the meet.
On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Siji Sunny sijisunny@gmail.com wrote:
Should we plan for a meetup /Technical session in December?
Date : December 3rd Saturday ?
+1. I am game if it is in the afternoon.
-- Arun Khan
On 11/5/11, Arun Khan knura9@gmail.com wrote:
I will make myself available. I second Arun Khan's proposal of it being in the afternoon.
It will help us pull in more crowd, professionals will have some breathing time and most importantly we can entice College students participate in it.
I suggest we create a facebook and google+ page for ILUG-BOM and linuxthane too.
Perhaps Shri. Abhijeet Kale would network with his other colleagues spread across Mumbai Collages under Mumbai University to pull this off.
BTW, Dr. Nagarjuna kindly did speak the first linuxthane 2006 Conference at VPM Thane.
Thane and mumbai are not far apart.
On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 1:29 PM, Rajagopal Swaminathan < raju.rajsand@gmail.com> wrote:
If so we can have some sessions only for students, like Introduction to OpenSource/Linux,about various opensource projects which they can contribute as part of their final year project etc.
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Siji Sunny sijisunny@gmail.com wrote:
November/December would be a bad time consiidering that's when MU has exams scheduled for engineering students.
Hay Guys, Great idea. Once students free from there exams we'll arrange it. May be somewhere in 1st week of Jan.
On 8 November 2011 11:22, Mehul Ved mehul.n.ved@gmail.com wrote:
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Mehul Ved mehul.n.ved@gmail.com wrote:
The last LUG meeting was held in Mar/2011, the attendance was rather sparse (IIRC < 15).
I am all for more students attending such meets (e.g. from what I understand there is strong show up of students @ the ILUG Chennai meetings).
I have not seen such an effect @ the Mumbai meets. Perhaps the difference could be that most colleges in the Chennai area do have local LUG initiatives and the LUG meetings are held regularly.
Can the student members in this list do some PR work in their respective institutions and let other students know about such events? The more the interest, more the opportunity/motivation to organize the meets.
My 10 paise.
-- Arun Khan
Sorry for a late reply.
After discussing with few Lecturers, I have realised that we need to put some more effort for attracting the students and the college officials with some brochure, letters to various institutions (most of the institutions asking for the formal letter in our letter head :) ) etc.. So I feel, before announcing such events we should meet and prepare well and as suggested while meeting on 3rd Dec we can discuss and prepare the action plans.
So should we fix the Dec.3rd meeting only as LugMum Meeting (not for students)? If so how many of you can attend this? if it's small no.then we can meet any coffee shop.