Does anyone have info on a realtime/almost realtime mail
backup system using sendmail 8.9?
the main server and backup server are geographically
PS:i sent this hours ago..havent received it myself, so
re-sending it...
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Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games
I am proposing a meet on 6th Jan, and also proposing an agenda
(if Sameer agrees to it): Using SGML to generate Documents, and
converting SGML/XML to other popular formats like, ps, rtf, pdf
etc. I have been using LaTeX for this task and highly satisfied,
and would also love to learn the SGML tools to do the same. It is
necessary that the hackers on the list should learn the power of
these time tested tools, and should be introduced to them sooner
than later.
Should we decide Sameer! on your …
[View More]introduction/tutorial to
structured documentation using SGML?
Key fingerprint = C1E2 1B8C 8E98 A697 68B7 ADAC E956 6D4B DE90 BF01
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Dear Luggers......
yesterday after consultation with dr.nagarjun i hav
mailed u a modified version of the draft proposed by
Mr.lakdawala of fsf india. The draft according to him
proposes to take Free SOftware to the masses by
introducing the concept of Free SOftware in all the
schools and colleges all around india.
We second this opinion of his and i would like to
personally thank him for putting down the proposal in
such a neat format for others to make use of.
From the perspective of …
[View More]the lug, we would like to
propogate/market Free Software and also make it our
aim to introduce Gnu/Linux to the various budding
students all over india. Thus in this initiative of
our i would like to start with all the Engineering
Colleges in and around bbay and Maharashtra.
Just recently we concluded a very very FRUITFUL trip
to Rajaram Bapu College Of Engineering, Kolhapur which
saw the Dr.Nagarjun nd the others delivering 3 quality
dayz of trainin nd introduction on Free SOftware and
Linux to 70 buddin engineers......soem of whom hav
even joined the ILUG-BOM mailin list.
For the 1st workshop, i spent close to 6000/- from my
pocket which later was re-imbursed by the college
authorities. I tool this liberty since i knew the
college management personally.
I know the comercial part out here is tricky......nd
the lug has had a bad xperience leavin it with a sour
taste in it's mouth. But if i am goin to co-ordiante
these workshops on a routine basis i expect some
financial support and backing.
After pondering abt it for sometime, dr. nagarjun
suggested that we could dash the feelers/letter to the
various colleges all over bombay,Maharashtra nd after
havin comfirmed dates in hand abt the event propose to
the FSF abt our initiative. FSF then agress to
sanction some funds for us to further the cause and we
carry out the preps.
I further would like to mention another of dr.nags
suggestion. We could also conduct a few commercial
workshops asap and garner some funds enough for us to
continue with our cause in spreading the word of Free
SOftware......Nd this time around we'l take the
precautions to prevent us burnin our fingers the way
we did last time.
Pliss enlist ur that we can hav a final
letter drafted and a core set of volunteers i can bank
upon for logistics, event management and speakers for
the workshops.
Last time dinesh, parag, navin had volutneerd to come
along.......Letz get kickin and get the ground work
Trevor Warren
( >- LINUX, It's all about CHOICE -< )
/~\ __ __ /~\
| \) / mailto: trevorwarren(a) \ (/ |
|_|_ \ Urgent ->9820349221(a) / _|_|
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Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games
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hello folks!
Is there anyplace/anyone who teaches PERL/python?
and yeah..crash courses..;)
It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.
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On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 21:39:06
Amish K. Munshi wrote:
> Yes I agree with you, but I most of the work that we require to
>do is available as a GUI toolkit. And however integrated we are to the
>Linux systems, we would love to use the graphical version of linuxconf
>rather than the text version.
There's a learning curve. When I started out, I was averse to the command line too. But as I began discovering commands for things that went click-click, I found myself using the command …
[View More]line more and more.
The reason is simple - it's easier to issue a command than fire up a GUI, sift thru the tabs and buttons et al.
Say, you want to add a user to a new group. How'd you do it in GUI? Fire up Linuxconf, expand the trees till you reach the users area (I've forgotten what Linuxconf looked like, so it's a somewhat inexact reproduction), click on that user and then in his/her property sheet, specify the group somewhere. That done, you click the "Activate" button and then "Quit" hoping that things went fine. Same thing on the command line:
# usermod -G <group>[, ...] <user>
There's a command - apropos - that searches for the supplied keywords in short descriptions of all the entries in man pages. So, if you're looking for disk management commands, you can do:
$ apropos disk
and get a list of commands that have the word "disk" in their descriptions.
I don't say that GUI is bad. The user should figure out when to use what tool. As a rule of thumb, use a GUI tool when you are going to use a majority of the features it offers. So I may use LinuxConf when I get down to configuring my system after a fresh install. But not for the occasional tweaks and mods.
Tahir Hashmi (VSE, NCST)
We, the rest of humanity, wish GNU luck and Godspeed
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Tahir Hashmi (VSE, NCST)
We, the rest of humanity, wish GNU luck and Godspeed
On 28 Feb 2002 12:10:07 -000
shahazad wrote:
>Hi all,
>Can anybody tell me about runnning "Linux on windows 2000".
>I have searched all over the net but havent found it for win2000.
>It would be gr8 if anybody would supply me with the download url.
[View More]>regards
>Get your firstname@lastname email at
2,000,000,000 Web Pages--you only need 1. Save time with My Lycos.
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check out
simply stunning...
On Mon, 25 Feb 2002 02:42:16
> Manish Jethani wrote: >I'm looking for a [gui] mail client that (doesn't suck)
On Thu, 28 Feb 2002 03:24:27
Trevor Warren wrote:
> I am serious abt this pliss letz get on
>with the actual work and finalise the draft as
>proposed by mr.lakdawala.
>Trevor Warren
Right Trevor.
The letter's fine enough but it might make more sense if we point out some broad issues like Quality of Software vs. Costs, exposure to more powerful systems etc. before we mention Free Software or FSF. Would you like me to attempt at rephrasing some parts …
[View More]of the letter?
Another thing, late last year I did some extensive fact-finding for delivering a Seminar "Introducing Linux" in my office. I have documented the whole thing and you can find it at
Perhaps, it could help the volunteers in deciding on the content of their talks. I would also be grateful if people could have a look around and point out anything they find factually incorrect.
Tahir Hashmi (VSE, NCST)
We, the rest of humanity, wish GNU luck and Godspeed
2,000,000,000 Web Pages--you only need 1. Save time with My Lycos.
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If you mean 'Linux for Windows 2000'(as in 2nd line) then there is
no(will never be) such thing. And if you actually mean 'Linux on
Windows 2000' then this might help,
shahazad(a) wrote:
>Can anybody tell me about runnning "Linux on windows 2000".
>I have searched all over the net but havent found it for win2000.