>From: Nikhil Joshi <nikhiljoshi(a)subdimension.com>
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Debug for Linux?
>Usually we write simple programs using MS-Dos's debug "command"
>Is there a parallel Linux utility ?
>Also are there any assemblers like MASM TASM ?
try the as86, nasm (free netwide assembler) or gas (GNU assembler). However
none of them have a graphical interface like
MASM or TASM. There is a utility called as hexdump which is similar to the
debug command in DOS.
--- …
[View More]vinayak
>I would also like to clear some doubts:
>1. In DOS we use interrupts like int 20,int 21 etc.. which perform certain
>Are these interrupts apllicable to Linux also?
Linux uses system kernel calls unlike int21h in DOS. Read the "linux
assembly howto" and visit linuxassembly.com for more info
The entire site is also available for download as a gzipped file.
--- vinayak
>2.In Assembly since we deal directly with CPU isn't it a
>security risk? (I have come across some debug routines which clear CMOS ,
>destroy the hard disk partitions... !)
>3.Why there r so many books written for Assembly Programming which are
>specific to Dos based Assemblers and debug?
>Is Unix implementation for Assembly Programming difficult ?
it is slightly more difficult. Also it is little different than DOS assembly.
--- vinayak
>Message: 6
>From: asif f <asif(a)techemail.com>
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] booting problems
>i have a piii 866/128 mb/ intel 815 box board, and three partitions. the
>first has win98 (ie-c:\) the second is free i have tried to install pcq
>linux 7.1 on the third partition, the installation goes through smoothly,
>and finishes and asks for a 1.44 media to be inserted for boot disk. but
>after finishing the boot disk creation , the system cannot boot off the
>diskette and start liniux, i have even tried using loadlin from dos prompt
>but no luck . my linux is installed on hdc6 and when viewed through
>windows shows 2 files one is redhat.img and one is a swap.img. is there a
>way out to boot thig without going through reinstallation.
hi asif,
LILO does create some problems if the boot partition is after 1024
cylinder sometimes. Try grub,Xosl (www.xosl.org) or bootitng to cure the
problem. I hope it will solve the problem.
--- vinayak hegde
>Message: 7
>From: Kishore Saxena <xccep(a)vsnl.com>
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Please suggest a book for c programming in llinux
>hi there,
> I came across a book called Linux Programming , by neil
>mathew and richard stones.
>i want to know if anyone has gone throught this book ( or knows a better
>book )
>I would like to get well versed with c programming on linux.
I found the book really good for learning programming on linux. Actually
there are two books on linux in the series
Professional Linux Programming ( called plp ) - Wrox - For the advanced /
intermediate user.
Beginning Linux Programming ( called blp ) - Wrox - for the absolute beginner.
How ever both this books do not focus exclusively on C but C on linux
platform is covered in some detail.
--- vinayak hegde
>Message: 9
>From: prithviraj chauhan <prithvirajchauhan(a)yahoo.com>
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] modem driver for linux
>i have a conexent modem hsf 56k
>chip no rs56/sp-pc/11p1
>which i am not able to configure for linux
>pl help me out
Hi prithvi,
check out the sites :
also search on google for "motorola modem drivers for linux" without the
--- vinayak hegde
[View Less]
hi friends...
plz plz someone help me with the CDROM problem. i am not being
able to mount the cdrom
it gives me an error as
cdrom not a valid block device in /dev/cdrom
i need to install more packages but all the work is stopped
because of this problem..
plz also do tell me some good links on clustering information.
thats it
hopeint for replies
On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 linuxers-request(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in wrote :
>Send Linuxers mailing list submissions to
> linuxers(a)mm.ilug-…
[View More]bom.org.in
>To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://mm.ilug-bom.org.in/mailman/listinfo/linuxers
>or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> linuxers-request(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>You can reach the person managing the list at
> linuxers-admin(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more
>than "Re: Contents of Linuxers digest..."
>Today's Topics:
> 1. [COMMERCIAL] Server Space (Goldwyn Rodrigues)
> 2. Re: modem driver for linux (Devdas Bhagat)
> 3. Re: fetching mail directly to PC (Devdas Bhagat)
> 4. Re: help for host file (Devdas Bhagat)
> 5. Re: Why is Unix still used? (Devdas Bhagat)
> 6. Re: rsh ,rsync and telnet as root (Devdas Bhagat)
> 7. Safe delete (Nikhil Joshi)
> 8. Re: Safe delete (=?iso-8859-1?q?Manish=20Jethani?=)
> 9. hostinfo.dat lost+found
> 10. Re: [COMMERCIAL] Server Space (Navin [v 2.0])
> 11. RH Network.....Intrusion (Trevor Warren)
> 12. RMS Minutes (Shishir)
>Message: 1
> From: "Goldwyn Rodrigues" <goldwyn_r(a)fastmail.fm>
>To: <linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in>
>Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 11:14:31 +0530
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] [COMMERCIAL] Server Space
>Reply-To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>I am a student of the MCA program from VJTI and we, the students,
>plan to
>start a unofficial standalone MCA site. The site would reflect
>the current
>activities and seminars happening in our course. The site would
>be hit by
>the students of the MCA program, students seeking admissions in
>VJTI, the
>companies coming in for recruitment and any other person
>interested in
>knowing more about our activities.
>We therefore require some server space, 5 MB to start with, to
>host static
>HTML pages. Anyone willing to offer space please contact me
>personally off
>the list.
>It's high time we update the site developed by Mr. Philip Tellis
>ages ago.
>Thanking You,
>Goldwyn :o)
>Message: 2
>Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 17:39:31 +0600
> From: Devdas Bhagat <dodobh(a)nettaxi.com>
>To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>Organization: Eh? Whats that?
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Re: modem driver for linux
>Reply-To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>+++ Philip S Tellis [21/03/02 22:48 +0530]:
> > Sometime Today, prithviraj chauhan assembled some asciibets to
> >
> > > i have a conexent modem hsf 56k
> > > chip no rs56/sp-pc/11p1
> > > which i am not able to configure for linux
> >
> > i am not familiar with this modem, but what is the problem
>that you are
> > having? normally, modems work as generic devices. have you
> > connecting with minicom?
>Hope that helps
>Devdas Bhagat
> A crow perched himself on a telephone wire. He was going to
>make a
>long-distance caw.
>Message: 3
>Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 17:51:38 +0600
> From: Devdas Bhagat <dodobh(a)nettaxi.com>
>To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>Organization: Eh? Whats that?
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Re: fetching mail directly to PC
>Reply-To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>+++ Nikhil Joshi [16/03/02 14:26 +0530]:
> > Today @ 12:30pm Linux Lover wrote:
> >
> > > ( your ip address in square bracket). alternatively register
>a domain and
> > > set the MX to point to your IP ....
> >
> > can you tell me more about MX please
>MX (aka Mail eXchanger) records are DNS records that specify
>where mail for a
>domain should go.
>See th 4th Edition of DNS and Bind for details (ORA). Then get
>your ISP to
>setup a proper public static IP for you, with reverse DNS, and
>get them to
>delegate the forward authority to you(if possible).
>Setup the DNS first and then all the rest should work
>Devdas Bhagat
>Women treat us just as humanity treats its gods. They worship us
>and are
>always bothering us to do something for them.
> -- Oscar Wilde
>Message: 4
>Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 17:58:04 +0600
> From: Devdas Bhagat <dodobh(a)nettaxi.com>
>To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>Organization: Eh? Whats that?
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Re: help for host file
>Reply-To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>+++ pavan sharma [07/03/02 21:48 -0800]:
> > Hi
> >
> > I am getting this messg. when i open host file
> > Found a swap file by the name "/etc/.hosts.swp"
> > dated: Fri Apr 20 14:41:42 2001
> > owned by: root
> > file name: /etc/hosts
> > host name: linux
> > user name: root
> > process ID: 484
> > While opening file "/etc/hosts"
> > dated: Thu Mar 7 11:37:58 2002
> >
> > CAN I DELETE .hosts.swp file & How ...?
>You had an open vi(m) session when you tried to openb this
>If there is no vi(m) session holding this file open, rm -f
>will fix the warning.
>Devdas Bhagat
>"I don't understand," said the scientist, "why you lemmings all
>rush down
>to the sea and drown yourselves."
>"How curious," said the lemming. "The one thing I don't
>understand is why
>you human beings don't."
> -- James Thurber
>Message: 5
>Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 18:04:13 +0600
> From: Devdas Bhagat <dodobh(a)nettaxi.com>
>To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>Organization: Eh? Whats that?
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Re: Why is Unix still used?
>Reply-To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>+++ Nikhil Joshi [04/03/02 20:38 +0530]:
> > From: "Philip S Tellis" <philip.tellis(a)iname.com>
> > Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 10:28 AM
> >
> > > Unix is still used because of two reasons.
> > > 1. Legacy apps that haven't been ported
> >
> > What are legacy apps? Can you elaborate please.
>Older application binaries compiled specifically for a specific
>Also see: MS Office on a Linux box ;).
>Devdas Bhagat
>Why are you watching
>The washing machine?
>I love entertainment
>So long as it's clean.
>Message: 6
>Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 18:12:00 +0600
> From: Devdas Bhagat <dodobh(a)nettaxi.com>
>To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>Organization: Eh? Whats that?
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Re: rsh ,rsync and telnet as root
>Reply-To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>+++ Hiten Desai [08/03/02 19:48 -0800]:
> > Hi!,
> >
> > I am trying to setup rsh and rsync for remote backup
> > but I m not able to set rsh
> > which from various sources I have came to know that
> > there is one file called .rhosts
>man ssh-keygen and man ssh (and sshd)
> > where is it ?? in redhat 7.1 is there some global file
> > or some user specific file
>.rhosts would be in the users home directory. Trust me, you don't
>want to use
>this. Use ssh wth key based authentication and non root
>and man ssh-agent too, whilke you are at it.
>Devdas Bhagat
>Message: 7
>Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 23:19:13 +0530 (IST)
> From: Nikhil Joshi <nikhiljoshi(a)subdimension.com>
>To: <linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in>
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Safe delete
>Reply-To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>How can I make an alias say del which when used will move
>file(s)/folder(s) to $HOME/.trash ?
>i.e. when I type
>$del foo
>foo should be moved to $HOME/.trash
>Please guide.
> "You don't get to be mom if you can't fix everything just
>right." -Calvin
>Message: 8
>Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 18:25:00 +0000 (GMT)
> From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Manish=20Jethani?=
>Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] Safe delete
>To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>Reply-To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>--- Nikhil Joshi <nikhiljoshi(a)subdimension.com> wrote:
> > How can I make an alias say del which when used will move
> > file(s)/folder(s) to $HOME/.trash ?
>Well, you can write a script as simple as this:
>mv $1 $HOME/.trash
>Or you can go for something better. I don't know if you can
>simply use the alias command.
>For live cricket scores download Yahoo! Score Tracker
> at: http://in.sports.yahoo.com/cricket/tracker.html
>Message: 9
>Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 18:28:57 +0000 (GMT)
> From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Manish=20Jethani?=
>To: lug <linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in>
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] hostinfo.dat lost+found
>Reply-To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>I want to put that file back to where it belongs. Can someone
>tell me where the file belongs? It's a netscape file. I'm on
>For live cricket scores download Yahoo! Score Tracker
> at: http://in.sports.yahoo.com/cricket/tracker.html
>Message: 10
> From: "Navin [v 2.0]" <navin_dhanuka(a)yahoo.com>
>To: <linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in>
>Cc: <goldwyn_r(a)fastmail.fm>
>Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] [COMMERCIAL] Server Space
>Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 07:05:45 +0530
>Reply-To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>This mail is not commercial...
>But it is OFFTOPIC.
>Can't U start with the Free No Banners Hosting..
>1. http://www.brinskster.com
>2. http://www.united.net.kg/
>3. http://www.marhost.com/home.stm
>4. http://www.irepublics.com/
>5. http://www.f2g.net/register.shtml
>All you guys have to do is buy a domain .. the costs these days
>are abt.
>just Rs. 300-350
>And with http://www.domainredirect.com forward it to your
>free-webhost @ say
>Navin Dhanuka
>"Some succeed because
>they are destined to,
>but most succeed because
>they are determined to."
>----- Original Message -----
> From: "Goldwyn Rodrigues" <goldwyn_r(a)fastmail.fm>
>To: <linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in>
>Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 11:14 AM
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] [COMMERCIAL] Server Space
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am a student of the MCA program from VJTI and we, the
>students, plan to
> > start a unofficial standalone MCA site. The site would reflect
>the current
> > activities and seminars happening in our course. The site
>would be hit by
> > the students of the MCA program, students seeking admissions
>in VJTI, the
> > companies coming in for recruitment and any other person
>interested in
> > knowing more about our activities.
> >
> > We therefore require some server space, 5 MB to start with,
>to host
> > HTML pages. Anyone willing to offer space please contact me
>personally off
> > the list.
> >
> > It's high time we update the site developed by Mr. Philip
>Tellis ages ago.
> >
> > Thanking You,
> >
> > --
> > Goldwyn :o)
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > http://mm.ilug-bom.org.in/mailman/listinfo/linuxers
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
>Message: 11
>Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 20:17:14 -0800 (PST)
> From: Trevor Warren <trevorwarren(a)yahoo.com>
>To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>Subject: [ILUG-BOM] RH Network.....Intrusion
>Reply-To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
>Rejected packets from updates.redhat.com
> Port 1963 (tcp,ppp0,input): 1 packet(s).
> Port 1935 (tcp,ppp0,input): 1 packet(s).
>Total of 2 packet(s).
> The above is a snippet of my firewall logz....U
>think RHNetwork is tryin an auto-fix or some shit like
> Cause i dont remeber initiating any upgrade meself &
>i even don't hav the RHNSD Deamon
> Could some1 pliss confirm this for me.....I would luv
>to take RH's *** on this...;)
>Trevor Warren
>( >- LINUX, It's all about CHOICE
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i have a piii 866/128 mb/ intel 815 box board, and three partitions. the first has win98 (ie-c:\) the second is free i have tried to install pcq linux 7.1 on the third partition, the installation goes through smoothly, and finishes and asks for a 1.44 media to be inserted for boot disk. but after finishing the boot disk creation , the system cannot boot off the diskette and start liniux, i have even tried using loadlin from dos prompt but no luck . my linux is installed on hdc6 and when viewed …
[View More]through windows shows 2 files one is redhat.img and one is a swap.img. is there a way out to boot thig without going through reinstallation.
thanks in advance
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Hi ,
Thats very much interesting......
............The more you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets...................
_\ /_ mail-me-at : office(a)darshanw.org
/ \
[View More]com> To: linuxers(a)mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Sent by: cc:
linuxers-admin(a)mm.ilug- Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Marathi on Linux (using
bom.org.in Devnagari)
20-03-2007 06:14 PM
Please respond to
I am keen on using emacs mule utility for indian script say devnagari. I
go to mule and select devnagari.
What next. What is the layout of keyboard. Is it purely transliteration
from english phionetically. Any examples, tutorials?
Can some one send a specific adress so I can communicate.
I am trying to create a group (including interested housewives and
students and engg college teachers) to creat linux messages in Marathi.I
would like to use Mule for that.
Then I want to proiceed to marathi-ise internationalised versions of
Would any one like to join. Please read Arth-Vrittant of 18 march which
is a supplement to Loksatta.
[View Less]
Is everybody invited to the seminar or Does the ACM seminar has entry fee?
and tell the detail address of Place pls.
Dear friends,
I would like to execute a lynx command in a cron that visits a
particular url.But i get an error "Your terminal lacks the ability to
clear te screen"
How do i get rid of this message and get my crontab run and visit a
specific url?
Thanks for your help in advance
Best Regards,
Monil Chheda.
If it happens once, it's a bug.
If it happens twice, it's a feature.
If it …
[View More]happens more than twice, it's a design philosophy.
[View Less]
i have a conexent modem hsf 56k
chip no rs56/sp-pc/11p1
which i am not able to configure for linux
pl help me out
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards�
hi there,
I came across a book called Linux Programming , by neil
mathew and richard stones.
i want to know if anyone has gone throught this book ( or knows a better
book ) / how good is it comapred to other books / or if its actually
required at all. I am basically a newbie, and my ability to program is
limited to c in dos.
I would like to get well versed with c programming on linux.
can anyone offer tips on this ?
Thanks for reading
with regards
P.S. this is a …
[View More]link to the index page of the book.
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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