I think place of party needed to be change as I can't use my company's place without permission. If anyone is willing to oraganise we can arrage Great Party there..
Till , add ur name to mozparty; but make sure you have FireFox..
- Kartik
Linux Times.Net -->Open Source to everyone
I got on the party list. Any idea of date and time ? How come I don't find anyone fron ilug on it ?
"Rajkumar Adsule" <rajadsule(a)speedpost.net> wrote:
>On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 02:25:42 -0600, "Vivek J.Patankar"
><vivekpatankar(a)spymac.com> said:
>> http://www.openforce.at/mozparty2/
>> There are 12 Firefox Release parties being held in india. How come none
>> of those
>> are on Mumbai?
>there is .... one !!!
>Initiator kartik.mistry(a)gmail.com
>Country Report party trollingIndia
>Location Magnet
> 104, Kent Gardens, Boriwali (w)
> Mumbai 92
>Info! Great ! We will move our all system's browser to firefox 1.0 and
>enjoy the cake and party with Magnet-people :-)
>> Vivek
>> ---- Get Urchin 6 On Demand web analytics. Because you can't wait to be
>> found.
>> http://www.urchin.com/?utm_campaign=U6OD&utm_medium=email&source=spymac.com…
>> --
>> http://mm.ilug-bom.org.in/mailman/listinfo/linuxers
On Tue Oct 19 22:37 , sherlock(a)vsnl.com sent:
>LG works well. Dont touch Samsung there is a problem with the hardware on
GNU/Linux - will give you dma errors and refuse to read perfectly working cds.
I wouldn't advise any Samsung CD/DVD ROM/Writer. They have a tendency to
become 'Dhakka Start' after some months of usage. What I mean is that once ejected
that have to be physically pushed back in slightly so that the drive realises that
it's time to take the tray back in and start doing it itself. The insert/eject
button works once in 4-5 times while inserting.
---- Get Urchin 6 On Demand web analytics. Because you can't wait to be found.
Hello Luggers,
This link has appeared today in Microsoft's expert zone site. This is an
article about home networking. The link is this below.
Most of you are experts but those who know computing but are not familiar
with networking will find the article usefull and the concepts may come in
handy for Linux too.
Dear All,
There are excelent tutorials at
Right from Basics to advanced topics.
most of the tutorials are by
Daniel Robbins, President/CEO, Gentoo Technologies, Inc., Gentoo Technologies, Inc
Daniel's articles are combined with young thghts and value of expereince a blend seldom found.
Komal u would find an excellent article on backups as described in my earlier post.
Others who wish to prepare for LPI can find all that they need on the website.
bye rgds
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Dear komal,
There's an excellent article about
"Backing up Linux Machines" by
Gentoo C.E.O Daniel Robbins
on the IBM developerworks site.
It's very comprehensive and uses a utility called "star" as ref. which according to daniel is better than tar and also works on various filesystems unlike dump.
There's also detail abt rewind and norewind tapes.
If you want the pdf you can mail me offline.
bye rgds
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Dear user,
I am facing problem with Apache -> My error.log shows me this "
Directory index forbidden by rule: /usr/local/dataweb/voip-billing/web/
According to my understanding this problem is creating due file
permission. I dont see any permission issues with this directory.
Any ideas to solve this.
Joel N.Solanki
Systems Administrator
Mobile: 91-9426353268
Phone No: 0265-550001/2/3/4/5 Ext: 211/212
Digtial 2 Virtual Internet Service Provider.
Gujarat (India)