*Minutes of Mark Shuttleworth's talk at IIT-Bombay*
The GNU/Linux Users Group of Mumbai held an additional GLUG meet in
january at KReSIT, IIT-Bombay. Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth
interacted with the GLUG members and shared his views and ideas
regarding ``Free Software'' and how it made a perfect business
sense. This talk was attended by about 60 people coming from all over
the country.
Falling short of time, Mark Shuttleworth quickly talked about the
following points, apart from …
[View More]answering questions.
* Community and its background:
Before starting his talk, Mark was eager to know about the Mumbai's
GLUG community, its background.. since every GLUG is unique in its own
respect. He then talked about his own background and about his
* Ubuntu Organisation Structure:
Mark talked about how ubuntu project started and what its goals are,
how Ubuntu project is different from Debian yet how both still manage
to collaborate with each other, how latest packages are adopted from
upstream to make Ubuntu's archives always fresh.
* Business Sense:
Quoting Mark's own words, ``... knowledge and software are
copyable. Their value or quality does not decrease when it is shared..''
According to him, this makes a perfect business sense. Ubuntu project,
and all the best things that they produce, will always remain freely
accessible to the entire community, individuals or large companies
alike. Canonical is in a self sustaining business since it provides
software services to organisations which are willing to hire them.
Canonical has tied up with LPI and plans to start certification
programs for Ubuntu professionals.
* Free CD distribution:
Mark answered several questions related to free software distribution
and the rationale behind it. There are several parts of world where
internet access is extremely costly. Free CDs therefore have an
important role to play.
Some questions were asked about the free CDs that Canonical ships
worldwide and how some people tend to misuse the resources. Mark then
recalled an incident wherein a `gentoo' fanatic tried to drain out
Canonical's money by ordering 500 CDs.
* Dapper Drake Preview:
Mark gave a brief idea about the upcoming ubuntu release codenamed
`Dapper Drake' and why it is going to have a 3 year(desktop)/5
year(server) support cycle and security updates. Dapper is also a
distribution which is going to be certified by third party application
providers like IBM.
Starting from Dapper release, users will have the luxury of a GUI
installation program and a single CD which acts as both live and
* Freedom Toaster etc.
Answering a question related to Freedom Toaster, Mark explained the
entire concept behind it and how the whole idea came into a reality
during a brainstorming session. We couldn't talk about his space
travel however due to lack of time.
- tea break
Mark personally autographed on Ubuntu CDs and stickers and posed for
group photos. Though he left on time since he had to catch a flight,
but GLUG members continued to interact till tea lasted :)
*Details of next GLUG meet:
Date: 12 February 2005
-> Agenda : to be decided
-> Location: Some other garden probably.
* Presentation slides:
Presentation slides of Mark's talk will be available from the glug
* Pictures:
http://db.glug-bom.org/pics/ <Gallery2 Photo Album>
http://www.glug-bom.org/pics/ <Classic Apache style>
__ __
gnu /noo/ n. Ox like antelope; (abbr.) /gnoo/ n.
(recursive acronym) Gnu's Not Unix.
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Hello folks,
wondering if anyone has tried this and has worked for them?
Need someone from the outside (remote location) to access a *nix machine here.
Setup is:
MTNL Triband (no static IP assigned to me.). Using Dlink DSL 502 router.
LAN IP being WAN IP is what the outsider would use to get in.
Connected to Netgear Router. (WAN IP =, LAN IP =
Machines are connected to this netgear router as 192.168.0.X)
Earlier when I had Tataindicom broadband with …
[View More]a static IP, the only configuration
was required at the netgear router level where i did port forwarding of the
service to the desired machine.
The TATA router had a different interface and a bridge was enabled there.
I do not see a similar option here with mtnl.
I tried to allow under advanced--filters, inbound access to the router IP
( since this is the one connected to the mtnl dsl router.
It says ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by host.
Telneting to same IP gets me to the mtnl router (linux box) with no
Is it possible to ssh to any machine of mine with the current setup?
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Sometime Today, A cobbled together some glyphs to say:
> Please enable javascript in your browser. HBCSE site wont bite :) Its
what about lynx users?
- "It could be a torture chamber or a dungeon or a hideous pit or anything!"
- "It's just a student's bedroom, sergeant."
- "You see?"
(Men at Arms)
Anyone knows of any Branded (HP/IBM/Dell etc.) Server that supports
Debian GNU/Linux (Sarge)
I need to order a server for a customer with the following specs or higher.
RAM: 512 MB
HDD: 160 GB
I need the following to work.
(a) 1024x768 Resolutin Display for X Windows
(b) Network card for accessing the Network
(c) Disk Controllers / Drives for accessing and partitioning the hard disk.
Dear all,
When I try to start mysqld by service mysqld start, I get "mysqld:
unrecognized service".
I selected "Everything" during the RHEL installation, so all packaged
must have been installed. When I do the same on RH9, mysqld starts
successfully and I get the mysql shell.
I also tried this on RHEL 4, but get the same error as on RHEL 3. I did
a locate mysql and found lots of files containing "mysql", but nothing
called "mysqld".
Is there an issue with RHEL and the mysql server? Do I …
[View More]have to install
it separately?
Never put off till run-time what you can do at compile-time. -- D. Gries
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Thanks for your replies on "suggest motherboard".
I bought MSI K8MM-V. its working fine under linux.
But my GIGABYTE Optical Mouse (GK-6PB) is not working under linux. Its works
under windows. My friend has DEXXA optical mouse, it works fine on linux on
my system. But the gigabyte mouse behaves the same way on my friend's pc.
I tried it on Kubuntu (breezy) and Knoppix 3.9.
I would be grateful if somebody can suggest me a solution.
If you've got any critical applications that you MUST be able to use on
Linux, please take a minute to let us know what they are. We'll monitor the
submissions to see what the most popular requests are, and do what we can to
nudge the vendors in that direction. Together, your voices will count for
more than they would separately.
Note: If you have more than one product to request, you'll need to fill out
a separate submission …
[View More]form for each one. We may contact you via email for
additional information if your request is particularly intriguing.
[View Less]
i have a sort of in barely in working condition nokia 3310 with me that I am
not using. So i was thinking if i can perform any Linux related experiments
on it like porting a bare minimum version of kernel on it.
Selling it wont fetch anything that the experiment might teach me. So if u
guys have any suggestion, criticisms (knowing the list, these will be a fare
share ;-) ) please shoot them. And if anybody has a bit of spare time on
weekends.. we can collaborate as i have no experience in …
[View More]stuff like device
drivers and kernel hacking.
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Anurag said:
>Next meet is probably at HBCSE on 19th Feb. Keep in touch with the
>list as venue/topics are discussed here itself.
If members of this LUG are interested in certifications, I can check
with the head of Learning Services at Red Hat to give a (non-salesy)
overview of Red Hat's certifications and the new programs that are
being launched. This can be a 30-40 minute interactive session.