please let me know (see previous mail which may not be put on the
linuxusers list)
1. I have Kubuntu LINUX 8.0.4 from CANONICAL (ONLY security upgrades
are free from 3 years).
2. How do I install virtualbox on Kubuntu LINUX 8.0.4 or should I say
accomodate UBUNTU 8.10 ----- newer linux version --- free and legally
for a 10 user organization or even say a 100 user organization ----
read the license below, i have to install it manually it appears to
say ---- no sysadmin tools can be used or i …
[View More]have to let each USER
download virtualbox binaries from sun and install it themselves.
3. now, my problem. I get virtualbox, I get Kubuntu LINUX 8.0.4
------- my OLD machine no longer accepts UBUNTU LINUX 8.10.
So do I install ANY LINUX which virtualbox supports ---- and then hope
that virtualbox supports all the LATER versions of LINUX (including
8.10) so that I can get all the upgrades from the world on the LATER
Linuxes and stick to my old tested Kubuntu 8.0.4 ---------------------
and have LICENSED copies of Window running under virtualbox.
I mean how much RAM will I end up using on my machine.
open virtualbox is there
and for binaries read this chief feature for small organizations where
people themselves install virtualbox ---- they have to install it
THEMSELVES --- please ask sun for clarifications.
What exactly do you mean by personal use and academic use in the
Personal Use and Evaluation License?
Personal use is when you install the product on one or more PCs
yourself and you make use of it (or even your friend, sister and
grandmother). It doesn't matter whether you just use it for fun or run
your multi-million euro business with it. Also, if you install it on
your work PC at some large company, this is still personal use.
However, if you are an administrator and want to deploy it to the 500
desktops in your company, this would no longer qualify as personal
use. Well, you could ask each of your 500 employees to install
VirtualBox but don't you think we deserve some money in this case?
We'd even assist you with any issue you might have.
Use at academic institutions such as schools, colleges and
universities by both teachers and students is covered. So in addition
to the personal use which is always permitted, academic institutions
may also choose to roll out the software in an automated way to make
it available to its students and personnel.
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Linux Addiction !!!
I work in NGO @ Panvel. Here I switched one department (20-25 Users) 0n
Linux 3 years back. They use OpenOffice 2.2, Tally 7.2 (Linux Ver), Kmail,
Firefox and Write & Font software with using Wine.
Today When I ask in one department in organization that "Can we switch over
to Windows? As some body is donating Licensing cost for those PCs" All users
said "No, We can't work on Windows now. We need only Linux"...
I got pleasant surprised by their reply. I thought that …
[View More]they will switch to
Three years back when I was pushing these users to work on Linux. I had to
explain them advantages of Linux. They faced lots of issues in their daily
work. Some of them I could resolved easily, some of them took a long time,
In some cases they had to change their working style. But now when they are
using it for last 2.5 years without any issue, they dont want to go back to
Windows. They said that they forgot how to work on Windows. ....
They got addicted to Linux now..... :)
People say that Linux is not user friendly and cannot be used for Desktops
for general users.
Now I can surely say, if management plans to use Linux in offices, users &
admins work hard on it without having windows in mind then they can switch
to Linux.
Offcourse proffessional companies like Adobe, Corel, Font making companies
should make applications for Linux.
LINUX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to
understand the simplicity
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I had asked for help on the above topic about 8 issues ago (Vol.
68, issue 47). I seem to have been drowned out in a semi-legal debate
on GPL licensing. My own view is that all knowledge, and therefore all
source-code (like all land and all means of production) is, in fact
free. It is only the capitalist-imperialist system that makes us pay
for what has been acquired by loot at some stage. Hence the only
reasonable (and, therefore, ethical) response, is to take all this
back by …
[View More]force (or guile) to the extent that one requires it to survive
and to the extent that this is possible while, at the same time,
fighting to change the system altogether. Hence I blatantly copied
pirated copies of M$ for as long as I could. I had thought that M$
turns such a blind eye to pirating only because they don't really care
about the "small" pirate. However, now I feel that it is a part of M$
strategy to kill other platforms like Linux! As long as M$ is
available free of cost from pirated copies, people will not seriously
turn to Linux and other platforms. M$ is backed by millions in
advertising. Now with little pushes like the "Genuineadvantage" update
which was automatically sent to all XP systems since the past two
years or so, M$ has started gently edging the users, especially the
large ones, towards paying up!
I think that Linuxers must look upon this as an opportunity. We
cannot, for obvious reasons, advertise like M$. We must push the new
distros, with all their genuine advantages, to the people (read
computer users) at large. Our methods of propaganda will, perforce
have to be popular. We cannot advertise in the electronic and print
media. We can, however, have free demos in schools, colleges and other
places. Lists like this can be more active in providing help and
alternative solutions. We can start publicising as to which
corporations support Linux, like Skype and which do not, like Nokia.
Which brings me to my original question. Can anyone help me to
sync my Nokia E50 with my laptop (Acer Aspire One - Kubuntu 8.10)
through USB? The details of my query can be found at Vol. 68, issue
47. I presume that my query was merely drowned out in the more
pressing debate on intellectual property rights. I make this plea
merely to remind fellow-listers that I still await a response -
anxiously and eagerly. Thanks again in advance.
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At 07:40 PM 12/31/2008, Ravindra Jaju wrote:
>On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 7:15 PM, Raj Mathur <raju(a)> wrote:
> >
> > Perhaps we can stop discussing that particular issue (what is the Qt
> > licence) now?
> >
>The reason behind this thread was incorrect interpretation vis-a-vis
>multiple-licensing policies.
>Why should the length of the thread be a criterion for stopping a
Maybe I missed it, but did Raju claim anywhere …
[View More]that this thread is
too long? (No sir, this is a teensy-weensy thread, so please keep
adding emails to it :P )
>You have the privilege to ignore, delete or mark these mails as spam! :)
When a thread annoys me, I put in a filter to mark all emails in the
thread as "Read", and thus they don't stick out in my mailbox. Just
thought I would share.
Happy New Year. If you can, please forget about licenses for a few
hours and focus on ushering in the New Year :D
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On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 4:26 PM, Faraz Shahbazker <
faraz.shahbazker(a)> wrote:
> And more .. clearly contradicting:
I don't (yet) see a contradiction. Opera bought licenses from QT, hence they
can produce closed-source
software. The reason Opera bought license(s) was to keep their …
[View More]own stuff (ie
- the browser) built on top of
QT and other things closely guarded.
The important entity to consider in this entire picture is Trolltech - they
own all copyrights to the code.
So, they have a model wherein they take money from someone (Opera) and give
them the permission
to not release the browser's code.
Trolltech - the copyright owner - has _also_ given the general public which
wishes to use QT under open
licenses the right to do anything with QT as long as they comply with those
terms. GPL v2 and v3 happen
to be two such licenses Trolltech is happy to license under, to such users.
Trolltech - the _owner_ - has the right to choose any license for
distributing their code. _Once_ the code
'leaves their premises' under a certain license (say, GPL) - all further
derivations will need to conform to
that (and compatible) licenses.
So, there's a 'restrictive tree' as you move down - with Trolltech at the
root - as a way of 'visualizing' this.
My take on the entire issue - 2 paise!
Best wishes,
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On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 5:02 PM, jtd <jtd(a)> wrote:
> While your contention is correct (ref your second para), that is not
> what i am getting at. What i am saying is that troltech's contention
> that i cannot commercially distribute gpl software is rubbish.
> Trolltech is implying that i cannot sell gpl software because their
> licence is gpl + restrictions.
I'd really like to see where Trolltech is making such a claim. And, let me
quote from their file, …
[View More]found in their codebase (OPENSOURCE-NOTICE.TXT)
If you, your company or your organization derive
commercial benefit from Trolltech's products and do not wish to
release your complete source code, you are required to purchase the
appropriate number of commercial licenses.
Nothing here which says you can NOT commercially exploit the GPL
version of QT. Only if you wish to hold back the source, you need to
purchase appropriate commercial licenses from QT.
What's missing?
Best wishes,
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What do I do ?
I have a machine with 786 MB of RAM.
If it was Windows, I could use ALL my purchased packages on it for 3
years --- till the Windows was replaced ------------- I assume.
Now, LINUX supporters say, over 3000 packages free.
So, Kubuntu LINUX 8.0.4 is installed on my machine in MAY.
Do I download (I did not) 3 DVDS of entire possible packages with that release.
CANONICAL guarantees SECURITY updates for 3 years.
I tried installing UBUNTU 8.10 on my system.
IT did not install.
[View More]Then I thought ---- let me use VIRTUALBOX. The FAQ on virtualbox
license says I can manually install it on as many machines as I want.
(On SUN's commercial release too), or I can let each user manually
install virtualbox themselves.
So what am I suppossed to do:
1. Install Virtualbox on my LINUX machine (or sorry, is it Windows
machine for Windows packages).
2. Install more memory for each version of LINUX and sub-version I wish to run.
3. Tell my developers to forever keep upgrading the software to the
latest version (of what may I ask).
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> Innovative and integrated User experience. As a developer, I still have not
> come across development environment + documentation comparable to MSDN +
> Visual Studio.
Personally I find GNU Emacs to be a very good IDE. Otherwise did you have a
look at Anjuta or KDevelop? What other development things did you look at?
> I work on a C++ product that works on few platforms (Solaris, Win32/64,
> Linux).
Is this a GUI product. In that case Anjuta (for Gtk+) and KDevelop (for Qt)
[View More]are good. For all other purposes Emacs is a good IDE, although I see hundreds
of people achieve amazing results using a Vim/Shell/GDB/Valgrind/...
combination, which can not really be called an IDE. :-)
> Few things that Linux has innovated :
> 2. RaiserFS
> 3. Live CD
When I updated my AMD Athlon64 3200+ and VIA chipset based desktop to Fedora
10 x86_64, the kernel would crash 9 out of 10 times when I would try to boot
it with a traceback indicating some problem with the driver for my Firewire
PCI card. You know what, even then the boot process would recover, X would
start, GDM would recover, and once I log into GNOME a nice little pop-up
would come asking me that the kernel had encountered some problems and whether
I would like to report this to or not. Something called
kexec and kdump at work behind the scenes. :-)
Don't know whether other OSes have this or not, but then who cares?
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A very good friend and old timer of this lug - Vihan Pandey sent this
to me and some others, and he rightly thinks this should be sent to
the lug-list.…
Dear Reader,
Today I am going to ask you to support Wikipedia with a donation. This
might sound unusual: Why does one of the world's five most popular web
properties ask for financial support from its users?
Wikipedia is built differently from almost every …
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We have a small number of paid staff, just twenty-three. Wikipedia
content is free to use by anyone for any purpose. Our annual expenses
are less than six million dollars. Wikipedia is run by the non-profit
Wikimedia Foundation, which I founded in 2003.
At its core, Wikipedia is driven by a global community of more than
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But Wikipedia is more than a website. We share a common cause: Imagine
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Your donation helps us in several ways. Most importantly, you will
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Wikipedia is different. It's the largest encyclopedia in history,
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Thank you,
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