Amateur radio enthusiasts did send up their satellite. Even at these astronomical costs the dn bw is 9600 bps. Completely unsuitable for downloading isos.
But aren't the internet satts. as well as voip satts. giving high bandwidths in Mbps? And we would only need one way download broadcast, like regular tv programmes. For eg. 0600 to 0700 Debian Etch. 0700 to 0800 Debian Sarge on the Debian channel. 0600 to 0700 Fedora 6. 0700 to 0800 Fedora 5 on the Fedora channel.
There are 20 million linux users. If even half of them pay 10$ ( Rs. 500/-) each, we get 100 Million $. Add to that donations and sponsors from big Linux companies and some organizations.
The idea is really good but is it affordable